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Everything posted by lovemyboyz

  1. Hugs2day, it seems that we are in the same boat. My DS (6), has been sick with PANDAS since 01/11 and was diagnosed 09/11. He has been on Azith since September and is 85% better. I am now suspecting Lyme and want to have him tested. He has dark circles under his eyes, terrible eczema, and is still moody and anxious. If you don't mind me hijacking your post, I would like to ask everyone the following question which may help both of us. (If this was already asked and I missed it, I apologize ahead of time, but I am very overwhelmed by all of this.) If he has been on Azith since September, wouldn't that take care of the Lyme? Or does Lyme require different ABX? Hugs2day, I wish you the best. And I appreciate any responses. Janie
  2. Starlygirl, Yes, my DS 6 has been sick since 1/11 and was diagnosed 9/11. He has just about every symptom of PANDAS except OCD. He is currently at 85% improvement with ABX, but we are strongly considering IVIG to get him to 100%. Janie
  3. Hi. We are in south Charlotte. My DS (6) was diagnosed last September. I will try to PM you if I can figure it out.
  4. The coverage by Dr. Drew continues. Erin Brockovich will be on Dr. Drew tonight.
  5. Hello. I am typically on the PANDAS forum for my 6-year-old DS, but I wandered onto the ADHD forum since that is a huge PANDAS symptom for us. When I saw your post, I remembered that I saw an article describing how a bath in EPSOM salts relaxes the nerves and really helps children with tics. My son only has minimal tics and I haven't tried this yet, but I'm going to combine it with his other supplements and meds. I think it is also mentioned on the Tourette's forum. Hang in there!
  6. Hi. The doctor in Columbia is much closer, but if he doesn't work out, we see Dr. Jean Corbier in north Charlotte, NC. He is very knowledgeable about PANDAS and has treated many cases. It may be a two-month wait to get in to see him, but once you are an established patient, he is great about responding to questions on the phone as well as adding/changing prescriptions without having to wait for your next visit. In addition, Dr. Alan Lieberman in Charleston, SC, was the doctor that discovered PANDAS in my 6-year-old DS. Dr. Lieberman used to be a pediatrician, but is now an immunologist. Dr. Corbier's phone is 704-403-2660 Dr. Lieberman's website it http://coem.com/ Here's wishing you a smooth transition to SC!
  7. What a fantastic article! Thanks for sharing!
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