Hugs2day, it seems that we are in the same boat. My DS (6), has been sick with PANDAS since 01/11 and was diagnosed 09/11. He has been on Azith since September and is 85% better. I am now suspecting Lyme and want to have him tested. He has dark circles under his eyes, terrible eczema, and is still moody and anxious.
If you don't mind me hijacking your post, I would like to ask everyone the following question which may help both of us. (If this was already asked and I missed it, I apologize ahead of time, but I am very overwhelmed by all of this.) If he has been on Azith since September, wouldn't that take care of the Lyme? Or does Lyme require different ABX?
Hugs2day, I wish you the best. And I appreciate any responses.