Looked NJC-C4a up at Quest's website. Looks like this test goes through the Jewish Center. I'll be looking into having the test re-done. Thank you all ao much! I don't know where my son would be without this forum.
Hi...new here, mold patient, do not have Lyme. I have had the c4a done with both the Jewish lab, last January, and through LabCorp, about six weeks ago. Both results were in the 8000s, on cholestyramine. The latter result, through LabCorp, was about 200 lower than the first result, but I am living in a less moldy environment now.
On other things I have read here.....just had the staph test done, and I can see why a child would object strenuously to the discomfort of the swab if done correctly. As an adult with a relatively high pain threshold, I found it uncomfortable but did not find it necessary to kick the shins of my doctor. Test was positive, BTW, and I am eagerly awaiting the nasal spray to get to treating it. I've experienced *intense* burning when I dealt with nasal issues using a nasal spray of colloidal silver plus some DMSO, so think I'll be reasonably prepared to deal with the burning I've read about here with the antibiotic nasal spray. The way I described it the first time I used my home-made spray, if I had known ahead of time the level of burning that would ensue, I might not have done it. However, over a period of several weeks, the burning went essentially to zero. Then I stopped using it, not understanding at the time that I was treating MARCoNS.
My recent MSH was <8, VIP was 10. January MSH was 5 (but doctor for some reason thought he should multiply it by 10 and that put me at 50 in his mind) and VIP was not tested.
BTW, I am working with someone who is taking Shoemaker training. He's a neophyte but only 15 minutes from where I'm living.