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About jenbug

  • Birthday 05/27/1978

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    W. Neb.

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  1. Beeskneesmommy---You are a great mommy! We all have those moments when we yell and whatnot (or at least I know I do). Just remember to give yourself some slack!As far as the behaviors, not sure what to say except that my ODD who has had this crap forever seems to have more of the bad behaviors "engrained" into her more so than the others as she has had it longest. It might take a few years to get him back on track though--hang in there, you are doing just fine!
  2. My mom told me that at first too, until she noticed the huge behavioral changes in my son when he was on treatment of abx, etc. I think most of us have been told that by someone or another along the way. This used to bug me a lot,and still does once in awhile, but I just have to tell myself that I am a mom and have to be an advocate for myself and my children. Hang in there and follow your instincts! It is super hard when a loved one is going against us or our instincts as moms. Maybe if you feel you are doing this too much, take a step back and try to conserve your energies for the most important at the time. I find limiting myself to the computer to once a day on this stuff and changing my thought pattern if I get too "obsessed" with it. It is hard though, when you are watching your child suffer, to not want to focus on it all the time because it is your child!
  3. Okay, my DS and I have strep AGAIN (although mine wasn't swabbed or confirmed)! This is the second confirmed case for him in the last 3 months! We are currently working with a team consisting of his ped, my doc, and Dr. T (who has been very helpful). Anyhow, The doc is talking tonsil removal now. His behavior symptoms have just shot out the roof the last few days to a week. he just was on 2 rounds of abx for M pneumoniae. That finally took care of that and then about 3 weeks or so later-BAM strep again. I am sooo tired of this! Plus, my mom died about a monmth ago. She was only 52. Her mom died at 42 of cancer. The doctor or ME whatever said she died of cardiopulmonary arrest and immediate was cerebral anoxia (complete lacck of oxygen to brain). She had a lump on the right side of her neck. In her journals though, she complained about neck pain, headaches, stomach aches and increased saliva for the last 4 months or so. We didn't do autopsy since that was against her religious beliefs. Since her mom died of cancer, I am thinking it was a tumor. She also was a smoker (both were) and had copd. We are waiting to get more bloodwork done to confirm some weird immune stuff for me. My oldest has IgA deficiency and my son is a bit low, but not below normal totally. Mine is low on both IgA and G and I am wondering if it is possible that me, mom, and gma had immune deficiency CVID that caused their early deaths? I know nobody here can answer that for sure, but I am just numb from all of this and I am sick again too right now. I have canker sores, sore throat, headache, hives, nausea, fever of almost 101 for the last 5+ days. The pcp put me on 2 g of amoxicillin for 7 days. So far, the fever is still here. I am just frustrated rigtht now. I need to keep pushing forward with this but I am too tired to do anything right now.
  4. pandas16--Nope, haven't heard of it! Please explain! All I know is the bloodwork came back with high eos and baso and neutro (I would have to get it out to check for sure) on the kids. Also had high IgE. They are highly allergic to something. They have all been on soy or special formulas. S&S---good luck with it! i hope you see positive results.
  5. Anyone tried parasite cleanses? If so, what have you used? I just bought some Wormwood stuff we will try. Not sure if we have parasites (well, besides Lyme) but some of the bloodwork from the kids came back indicative of possible parasitic infection.
  6. Wow, that is also strange about the rubbing of eyes causing breakouts! When I was pretty young, around 5 or so I would get dermographism whenever i would lie down to go to sleep. Itchy everywhere and wherever I scratched or evern slightly rubbed it would puff up. My sister and I would play tic-tac-toe on my skin!
  7. JuliaFaith--Really? That is interesting, because I have been told that my liver enzy,es were elevated once during a pregnancyt and I think even once before that with no reason why it would be. What can you do for that?
  8. None of us have yet been formally dxd with Lyme, but I have one positive specific band IgM 23 I think that was pos. Anyhow, all of us have had a few EIs here and there, but my baby had tubes in at 1 year and had constant infectin from about 6 months until then.
  9. LLM--thank you for your insight! After weighting the risks, etc, I decided to do the short course of pred. It is just a Medrol-dosepak with just 6 or 7 days, and the first day is only 24 mg which tapers from there, so not too bad. I am sorry about your loss as well! tpotter--I have had hives like this since I was pregnant with my son (about 4.5 years ago). They were there fairly constant until a shot of prednisone this winter for a bad flu where I couldn't breathe well. They pretty much stayed away until about a week before mom passed. Then, just when I got home they flared bigtime! I know stress causes some of them, not all though. I haven't been to allergy tewsting yet. Still juststarting down this whole road of pandas, lyme, immune deficiency stuff. As a side note, mom's neck swelled shut and shut off total oxygen to her brain....She had COPD, but I am wsondering if she had an allergic reaction to something...never will know for sure, as we didn't do an autopsy as that was against her wishes.
  10. I have just broken out with hives again, and they are the huge ones that are about orange to grapefruit-sized. My pcp is putting me on Medrol-Dose pak. I still haven't gotten in about the Lyme as my mom just passed away last week. I have heard steroids are bad for Lyme? I have been on them several times due to these huge hives.
  11. I really don't, but here is some info on staph in general, both positive and negative types. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/228816-overview#a0104
  12. Yay Kim! I am so happy to hear this! What an inspiration
  13. yeah, I am thinking they may have had the worst case ones on there. I relate to Dana most as well.
  14. I had no idea about this! Thanks for the info
  15. My husband and I are halfway through that movie (got too tired to finish last night). OMG! I can't believe how severe it can get or how many ppl are afflicted with it! I also made an observation that I thought was important, but maybe it is just my tv resolution, LOL. I noticed that most of the ppl on there that have Lyme have a malar-type rash and some on the chin. My ODD12 and I BOTH have a similar rash that gets worse in the summer, but is not an actual burn...just a dark pink tint no matter how much sunscreen we put on. it also appears even in winter when either of us is flushed from hard cleaning, exercise, etc. Am I just nuts to see this, or has anyone else experienced this very mild malar-type rash? The movie was very sobering. I cried for awhile afterwards.
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