Okay, my DS and I have strep AGAIN (although mine wasn't swabbed or confirmed)! This is the second confirmed case for him in the last 3 months! We are currently working with a team consisting of his ped, my doc, and Dr. T (who has been very helpful). Anyhow, The doc is talking tonsil removal now. His behavior symptoms have just shot out the roof the last few days to a week. he just was on 2 rounds of abx for M pneumoniae. That finally took care of that and then about 3 weeks or so later-BAM strep again. I am sooo tired of this! Plus, my mom died about a monmth ago. She was only 52. Her mom died at 42 of cancer. The doctor or ME whatever said she died of cardiopulmonary arrest and immediate was cerebral anoxia (complete lacck of oxygen to brain). She had a lump on the right side of her neck. In her journals though, she complained about neck pain, headaches, stomach aches and increased saliva for the last 4 months or so. We didn't do autopsy since that was against her religious beliefs. Since her mom died of cancer, I am thinking it was a tumor. She also was a smoker (both were) and had copd. We are waiting to get more bloodwork done to confirm some weird immune stuff for me. My oldest has IgA deficiency and my son is a bit low, but not below normal totally. Mine is low on both IgA and G and I am wondering if it is possible that me, mom, and gma had immune deficiency CVID that caused their early deaths? I know nobody here can answer that for sure, but I am just numb from all of this and I am sick again too right now. I have canker sores, sore throat, headache, hives, nausea, fever of almost 101 for the last 5+ days. The pcp put me on 2 g of amoxicillin for 7 days. So far, the fever is still here. I am just frustrated rigtht now. I need to keep pushing forward with this but I am too tired to do anything right now.