Hello! This is my first post so bare with me! Heres our story: We first noticed my DDs tics at age 4.5. It started with eye rolling and head turning and has manifested into various tics ever since. She has no history of strep, and we don't have any family history of TS. She is now 6.5 and is about to start 1st grade. I feel that we have tried everything: we saw a naturopath, did acupuncture, chiropractic care, had her allergy tested (strong seasonal allergies and a few food sensitivities caught by the Elisa Test), bough expensive HEPA filter air purifiers, etc etc. I have read every possible book and website on natural approaches to treating TS. We have eliminated the foods that she is sensitive to (including milk, wheat, gluten, peanuts, etc), she has been on several supplements for the past year, and yet her tics are still there. They arent SEVERE per se, but they are very noticeable (especially to me, and to her as well). Right now she has a weird ear-pulling tic, as well as neck stretching, arm stretching, wrist stretching and the wincing/frowning tic. She is a very bright little girl and is extremely outgoing and fun-loving. She is very social and is very talented. In Kindergarten her teacher pointed out that she has a hard time focusing and staying on track at times. She is not hyperactive at all so she would be better classified as ADD. She is a very smart little girl but she can easily fall behind in school due to her lack of concentration, so we have to work extra hard on schoolwork at home. She also has slight OCD (cant stand when I dont shut the car doors hard enough has to re-shut them herself) and some sensory-type issues. For example, she doesnt like the sound of my voice, especially if I use any inflection or excitement or silliness. It REALLY bothers her. Its very strange and its literally only with me.
Here are the supplements that she is currently taking:
- 1 Multivit
- 1 chewable Vit C 500 mgs
- 250 mgs magnesium taurate (sometimes up to 375 mgs)
- 1 Calcium/mag/zinc supp
- 1 krill oil supp (weve tried fish oil and flaxseed oil as well)
- 1 prebiotic/probiotic combo supplement
- 1 Quercitin 500mgs
- B-Complex 50
- Methyl-B lozenge
- Dr. Weils antioxidant supps
I did purchase NAC and ginko, but I am hesitant to give her anymore supplements at this point. My poor child, she is SO sick of vitamins!!!
I have heard that people have had great success with Bonnie Grimaldis supplements. However, I already give my DD a lot of the supplements that she puts in hers-- so do you think it would even be worthwhile switching to her program?
I have taken DD to the neurologist a few times and he has recommended Intuniv for her. But since its over $100 per month even with our insurance, he then recommended Tenex, 1mg 2x a day. I have heard great things and terrible things about these drugs and I dont want to go that route unless its absolutely necessary. Also, I have heard that these drugs tend wear off after a few years and you have to keep increasing the dosage. I would hate to start her on them now while her tics are mild/moderate and by the time shes 12 and if she REALLY needs meds, she will have to take a super high dose.
I just feel that we are at a complete loss. I feel like we have tried it all and she is still ticking. And the fact that she is only 6 years old, doesnt make me too optimistic that her tics are going to be getting better anytime soon. If you have any thoughts, input, recommendations, ANYTHING, please let me know!!!
Thanks in advance!