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Everything posted by sis

  1. Hi guys. I'm glad you're reading and I hope all is well with all of you. My dear son is now ten months old and has been off Soy formula, off of flouride water, and hasnt had immunizations since he was 4-5 months. We have been to a chiropractor/herbalist who recomended Zymex and Thymex and Flax Oil. Although the Flax oil has been hard to get down him. He has never showed so much improvement. He is so normal now. he is still a little behind on the talking, only making a few consonent sounds. (b n d and some m) He is pulling up to a stand and sitting up great. He crawls faster than I can walk. His head shaking really STOPPED for a month or so. Although lately it seems that he wants to do some other head movement back and forth. So again this ugly problem rears its ugly head. I really hope you girls are doing well. and i want you all to know I thank you for all your support so far on this journey. I found a great website for immunizations. thinktwice.com Love to you , Sarah
  2. Hi girls, and sorry I have been MIA, My elderly parents and my two little ones keep me so busy. I too had brought my six or seven month old to a pediatric neurologist and betweeen her and my regular pediatrician, I never got any answers or truth at any appointment. Lies lies lies. Soooo, I did what the great people on this board have told me works for them. I stopped the immunizations that could contain mercury (themerisol)-swiched from soy based to milk based formula -stopped useing flouride water- and went to a great chiropractor/herbalist guy who put my son on some zymex thymex and some fax-oil. Since then I have seen a 75% drop in his head shaking and jerking. He is also crawling and getting into everything. And I mean everything. Follow your mommy intuition and listen to the wisdom on this board, and educate yourself (sounds like you know your stuff) and good luck to you. If I could answer any questions -PLEASe E-mail me. Love to you Sarah
  3. Well i thought I'd give you an update on my dear son who is now 8months. I have quit the fluoride water and a couple weeks later switched from Soy formula to milk-based. His head shaking like"no" and head butting forward has vanished. We went to Easter Seals because of his delayed developement (not sitting up on own, low muscle tone- and not saying consenents -only vowels) he is starting to crawl though.-Who ever heard of a baby crawling before they sit up? Not me. So I'm pretty sure it was the maganese in the soy formula. I have suspician of something with him however. the Easter seals wants to keep seeing him, and wants him evaluated by a speech theripist. He aspirated the day after birth, does spit up often, chokes/gags on chalky peas or cereal, but more importantly HATES to be coddled. He doesnt like to be held face to face much. Even when feeding from a bottle, he often bucks and rolls away from being held. Looking back now, maybe I had a little PPD after his birth that prevented me from REALLY trying everything to insure the bond with him. It was more difficult by the fact that he was a really easy baby. He never demanded much. If he was fed and dry, he was sleeping. --The bond though, I mean, he loves me, gets excited when I walk into the room and he and I obviously have a connection. But I breastfed his sister for nine months and had a reeeeeally close bond with her. But his head shaking since birth and now his bucking to "get down" while feeding --well it is sooo difficult to share mother/child moments with him. I really am upset by this "difficentcy" It leaves a hole in my heart. Does anyone think this relationship might be "flawed" or just different? What about some sensory issues? I want to do what I can to give him all the love I can. I dont know, maybe I'm grieving the "loss" that he is'nt the "lover" his sister was/is. Maybe I need to realize he just doesnt like to be loved on like that. Thanks for listening. Sarah
  4. I am so fustrated with my reg. ped right now. I have called twice concerning the yeast that my son has in his groin and around his anus. I cant get him in till Fri. The ped. neuro finally returned my call SIX DAYS LATER. She wants to see him next week instead of six months from now. Problem is I think my son is not jerking his head as much, since I switched from fluride water and then from soy-formula to milk-based-lactose-free. So I hope I can get him on tape when he does make the head jerking in question. I'm very thankful for your support. You all have been so wonderful to me.
  5. Thanks, Andy. I'll need to try to read this before this afternoon, -The EI lady is coming and I'm sure its going to be interesting trying to explain why my son is behind on his shots. I dont have alot of faith in this EI program at all. When I called the number, the lady answered 'hello'- ---Ugh......HELLO? not "Early Intervention Program, this is Barb, can I help you?" Hopefully she might be helpful with some resources.
  6. You guys are great. Here is my mental checklist. 1.)Nix flouride. 2.)Switch to milk based formula,and see how being off soy does. 3.)Make my appt to get the darn immunizations, but request one that doesnt have thimerisol, mercury, or isnt a three-in-one. 4.)Give him multivitamins as a boost before and after the shots and maybe always. 5.)Get a juicer soon, for when he is eating/drinking more, I can boost his brain-power that way too. 6.)Get rid of his probable yeast in his groin. Kim pointed out that he isnt absorbing his nutrients like he should with yeast in his bowels. Do you girls/guys suggest nystantin, dyflucan, or acidophillis???? 7.) Get appt with ENT just to rule out ear problems. Pant, pant, pant! Is that a good start? For those of you who have had such success in your children because of your hard work and brainpower, HATS OFF TO YOU. I have got more respect for parents who make sacrifices for the best of the children. Both of my babies are In-Vitro babies, so we have worked hard to get them, there is't much I would'nt do to make them better, mentally, spiritually, etc. Love to you all. Sarah
  7. We had the neuro appt and she is taking the wait and see approch. I'm not too pleased with that. She doesnt think it is a tic, she is leaning more towards OCD, but wasnt really saying that either. She wants to seee him again in six months. i dont understand. She also made the comment how three-in-one vacines are NOT made with mercury anymore. Well she better check with the press, cause our newspaper had a FRONT PAGE STORY on mercury still being in vaccines. If you'd like to read it, it is very long and tells both sides, fairly well, and also talks of how churches are now steppng in to try to get it out of vaccines-Our newspaper is the pantigraph in bloomington illinois if you'd like to google it, and its in today(sun) paper. I have a incling to have a 2nd opinion. He is shaking his head now when on his belly. I thought it WAS only when his head was AGAINST something. It's so hard when he really is doing it every day. My husband and I think he might be doing it more than he did months ago. Jury is still out on that. Good news is he is starting to want to sit up. Thank you for your concern and prayers. (and thank you so much, KIM) I really underestimated the level of genuine solidarity of this board. I worked this weekend and didnt get a chance to even lurk. Love to you all (hug) Sarah
  8. Oh, Marie, you're absolutely right. I just need to chill. I have a tendency to freak out when a problem surfaces. I'm just now starting to come down and realize that I need to be calm and stable for my little ones. Me getting nervous doesnt help them relax at all. I'm now reminded they sense it. Thank you for the reality check. Love to you and God bless you as well. Sarah
  9. I have another question. There is a man at our local Wal-mart who clearly has TS. He is a stocker and I beleive God placed him in my life for a reason. I noticed him 3-4 months ago before I suspected the head shaking in my son. The first time I witnessed his tics, he was standing up against the shelves and the dolly/cart he was using. He had his head down and was leaning forward into/upagainst the shelves and the cart. As he was seemingly leaning so forward his arms/hand were at his sides, and his right hand was clicking/snapping on the thigh-seam of his pants. Some people would think he was touching himself inappropriotly or something. But having worked at a State Mental/Developmental Home of 174 residents---where I saw more problems then I want to remember---Well I knew he was having a tic or a seizure. I went up to him and gently touched his shoulder and before I could ask if he was ok (I was feeling maybe it was a seizure) He snapped RIGHT out of it and Bam"can I help you find something?" he asked. I was still on the edge of tears for his episode, it took a second to figure out what in the ###### just happened. I of coursed asked him if he was alright and he said he was fine. I realised if I said anymore, I would act as though I was pitying him, so I just said "no" to the helping finding anything question. I have seen him a couple times since then and yesterday I watched him from down the eisle, out of the corner of my eye. and I wish there is some references (this board for one) I could do to help him. He seems like a great guy, and I can tell that his tics keep him from stocking very fast at alll. I just want to do something. Maybe he doesnt know all there is to know and his tics could be lessened. I know I dont know this person. but that is just the kind of person I am. I love to help. Could I give him a print-out of references that he might not know about? A list of triggers, websites, etc? I feel the need to help anyone who might need it. Am I crazy?-Ok Ok dont answer that one. I'll tell you, I am the youngest of ten children and man was it a trip growing up. I just have to explain my experience ...I'm having a hard time when I think of tics now, because as I was typing the above story about my experience working in the State Home, I was having flashbacks of the people there. And when I think of tics and other disorders, unfortionatly I associate it with the "retarded" people there and their sad, sad existance. I saw so much there, that I'm crying thinking my son might have a disorder that runs rampid in that home. Between the girl (35) who's head was so big, it took three just to move her; to the girl who was twenty-something and only lived to be twenty pounds or so; to the terrible behaivors of a man who watch his mother get drunk and raped all his life-untill he got hit by a car and a day or two later she finally called someone to get him help. He often would have to be in restraints to keep him from beating and biting. Terrible terrible stories. And of course some residents were just born that way. Most of them had TS and/or other neurological problems.-- (That was SUCH a tough time in my life. I had a tough break-up with "the one" (now he is not the one since my sweet husband came into my life) , I lost a pregnancy, my mother had a heart-attack and quad-bypass, I dated a drunk who was physically abusive and was in the mental ward three times for depression.) I understand the majority of people with tics and ts are living very productive lives, it just hurts me because in my years on the planet, my only experience with tics and ts is at that home. I am so sad for my son. Thank you for "listening". I just needed to vent. I feel so helpless. Love Sarah
  10. My son goes to the neurologist tomorrow. He is 7 1/2 months now and I still have'nt got his 6 month immunizations. WHERE and WHOM do I fill out paperwork to be immunization exempt? I have cut out the flouride in our bottled water and am looking to change formula that doesnt contain so much maganese. He still is having the head shaking, only when excited or tired or hungry. I have at least five short video clips of him doing so on my digital camera. All total <5mins of film. I hope she has a clue from them. Is there any thing I can get the ball rolling on? Should I ask her to do a mercury hairstrand test? Blood work? For what all? Sorry for all the questions. I guess I'm a little nervous about tomorrow. Thank you for all your replies. I truly am grateful. Sarah
  11. Wow. That made me cry. I hope you all are proud of the change you are making in the world. I also told my sitter who's ten year old was resently diagnosed with ts. I hope she checks out the great knowledge you guys so graciously share. (hugs) -Sarah
  12. I am trying to take this all in, and getting alittle overwhelmed. My son is on a soy based Enfamil. No milk. I have given him some rice gerber cereal, bananas, pears, peaches and peas. Most claimed to only have asorbic acid in them. We also use some sunsweet prune juice that I water down. Our water is always Culligan water with flouride. I thought it all was looking good till I read some old post on this forum board. Does this all sound natural to you? I see someone said soy formula has too much of some metal. What metals am I to look for? Another one said flouride is bad too. Should I get plain? God bless you all. We all love our children so much, and I am glad to have found this board to learn from/with you. I am so thankful to that everyone is so honest and frank and compationate, all at the same time. Sarah
  13. I'm thankful for your advice. I will print your reply and remember your advice. Am I legally liable to get his immunizations? I don't know the law, and I'm afraid they would not have the kind of shots that are safer. Thanks Sarah
  14. My son is 7 months old and I realize it might be too early to diagnose him yet. Even when I was pg with him, I knew he was "different". My "mothers instinct" is and has been telling me something was up. My son has been shaking his head back and forth all his life. I tried and tried to breastfeed him for months and he would never latch on/settle down. I told the pediatrition many times, but of course, it was all shrugged off. I finally got her attention and she's given me a referal to a pediatric neurologist. Of couse it took FIVE weeks to get in. He usually only does it when hes tired, excited, hungry and lying down. There is no eye rolling, just side to side "No". Some times he stops after a few shakes sometimes its 10+ times. He is behind on sitting up and other motor skills but does roll over both ways. He also is very "jotty" with his head. at times hes fine with controling and others he head butts everything. I cry myself to sleep thinking of how this behavior is effecting our baby/mother bond. Its hard to hold/cottle a baby who is -at times-un-holdable! My brother-in-law has tics of some sort, but never technically diagnosed with any thing, that he has admitted. But his tics obvious. Im very ignorant on what I should do, how I should steer this treatment. I know alot of you have non-conventional remodies and I'm a believer of that. I work in a hospital (unit secretary) and I know how easy it is to fall through the big cracks of the medical system. I want all the info I can get so I can make informed decitions. I just don't want years to go by and know I could have done something NOW that would have helped his condition.My biggest fear is that he will stick out so bad in school. Kids can be so cruel. Please share if you can, your/some else's story. Any input is greatly appreaciated. Thank you, Sarah
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