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Everything posted by allerman

  1. For 25 years I have been an allergist doing desensitization using sublingual drops and an unusually large serum mix. I had a 12-year-old boy come in about 3 years ago with full-blown incapacitatring Tourette's syndrome. Since he had allergies, I placed him on my program. He returned one month later for followup and the Tourette's was totally gone! I then asked a pediatric neurologist to send me more cases, and I have had a cure rate of about 85%. I recently saw the young man back again and he was a perfectly normal 15-year-old. For more info the website is www.allergyeasy.com. As I reviewed this site I realized there are many tics and Tourette's people out there desperate for help, and many are aware of the allergy cause of the problem, but the problem is finding an allergy program effective enough to manage the problem well. I'd be happy to discuss this problem with you, and if you have a primary care physician who is willing my company could teach him how to do it. Stuart Agren, M.D.
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