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  1. Thanks for all of your responses. I can't believe there is not the take up with doctors as the link with my son seems totally clear. The doctor trotted out what i would imagine is a usual response of 'childeren of this age often exhibit quote 'magical' behaivoir. It does'nt look very magical to me....my little boy is compelled to touch/adjust pretty much any object he passes! We are going to get the throat swab and i'll ask for antibiotics. My daughter (3) is seriously croaky now and was croup last night....don't really want her to be passing anything back to my little man. He woke in the night last night needing a wee and comfort....never does that and can sleep through an alarm going off under his pillow (yes that did happen!!!). All very worrying & with parents not exactly seeing eye to eye the challenge is that much greater. I will be speaking with the osteopath who cured my reactive arthritis today...he has left a message to say that he has seen this before and has had alot of success. This osteopath is no normal run of the mill bone cracker. His treatment of my son vastly improved his eczema and his work on me together with juicing green vegetable completely cured my reactive arthritis (which at the time i was taking immuno-suppressant drugs for and without wich i could'nt walk). When i now more on his thoughts i'll post here. Thanks again.... Jas
  2. Thanks...just spoken with Doc on phone and he had never heard of PANDAS...quote 'must be rare as hens teeth'!! Still he did say that there is no harm in doing throat swab. We are a family of 4 (daughter is three). We've all had the bad throat and daughter has a flare up now.... I'll def ask about the antibiotics...our doc is usually fairly receptive.... I'm going to keep a log of my sons behaivoir too... Thanks again...Jas
  3. Thanks for this....i kind of suspected this would be the response. No, throat culture was not done....doc thought our boy was fighting infection well himself. What is abx?...certainly printing out info is a good idea... We are in Oxfordshire, England... Partner should have been in touch with doc today, but she is a little resistant to the idea that it could be PANDAs... Any or all advice is much welcome....could these symptoms worsen??? Thanks Jas
  4. Hello About a week before Christmas our son (age 5) developed a very sore throat (tonsels inflaimed with white dots), a night-time severe croup and fever. He was poorly for over a week and off school (school stated that scarlet fever had been going around but the doc did not think our sone had it). Within about a week of this illnes he started to exhibit some odd behaivour as follows: - Repeated doing up of shoes - Repeated arranging of certain items - Touching/checking of chairs doors etc - Now touches/checks solid objects such as pillars in museum. - Rapid mood swings - Elevated nose twitching - Repeated pulling down of t-shirt - Sticking tounge out - Wee's absolutly loads during the day This list is not exhaustive and things do seem to be getting worse..... Our son has always been quite meticulous with certain things and has always arranged items in a certain way. He has eczema and has done since his first inoculations. He seems to have chronic throat-clearing (this has also worsened). My principal question is could this be PANDAS?....if so will antibiotics work at this stage? Is it worth requesting titer testing? Also...is there any experience on here of alternative therapy. I had reactive rhematoid arthrities and was able to fix it with juiced green vegetables, epsom salts bath and body manipulation.... Any advice would be very much apprecitated as we are quite worried about our little boy.... Thanks Jas
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