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Everything posted by Laurensmom

  1. Anyone care to help translate this? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.f...ed_AbstractPlus Neuroimaging of developmental psychopathologies: the importance of self-regulatory and neuroplastic processes in adolescence. * Spessot AL, * Plessen KJ, * Peterson BS. Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons and New York State Psychiatric Institute, Unit 74, 1051 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10032, USA. Normal brain maturational and developmental processes, together with plastic reorganization of the brain in response to experiential demands, contribute to the acquisition of improved capacities for self-regulation and impulse control during adolescence. The frontal lobe is a main focus for these developmental and plastic processes during the transition from adolescence into adulthood. Tourette syndrome (TS), defined as the chronic presence of motor and vocal tics, has been increasingly conceptualized as a disorder of impaired self-regulatory control. This disordered control is thought to give rise to semi-compulsory urges to perform the movements that constitute simple tics, complex tics, or compulsions. Neuroimaging studies suggest that the expression of the genetic diathesis to TS is influenced by genetic and non-genetic factors affecting activity-dependent reorganization of neuroregulatory systems, thereby influencing the phenotype, illness severity, and adult outcome of tic disorders. Similar developmental processes during adolescence likely determine the phenotype and natural history of a broad range of other complex neuropsychiatric disorders of childhood onset, and they likely contribute to the acquisition of improved self-regulatory capacities that characterize normal adolescent development. PMID: 15251878 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] What is meant by "experiential demands" for example?
  2. The tics can have long breaks. However multiple motor and at least one vocal tic are required for dx. Diagnostic Criteria for 307.23 Tourette's Disorder; • both multiple motor tics and one or more vocal tics must be present at the same time, although not necessarily concurrently; • the tics must occur many times a day (usually in bouts) nearly every day or intermittently over more than 1 year, during which time there must not have been a tic-free period of more than 3 consecutive months; • the age at onset must be less than 18 years; • the disturbance must not be due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g. stimulants) or a general medical condition (e.g. Huntington's disease or postviral encephalitis). http://www.tourettes-disorder.com/dsm.html Tics are common in children, however they can be considered a "marker" for other neurological issues. Best wishes.
  3. He looks much older on the website, but they reside in the same area? Probably a coincidence.
  4. If he's so sure of his methods he should get his "book" published where I can read the reviews on Amazon.com. Not sure if THIS is THE same Steve Driskill, but he does have an impressive resume: http://www.stevedriskill.com/resume.htm
  5. We have done no screens on various occasions (mainly on vacation) for a week at a time, and there haven't been any changes? Not sure if that is what you're looking for or not? Also, I should note that I am participating here to learn about natural/nutritional approaches to TS. I am not wishing to pursue the notion of triggers, but I respect those who do.
  6. Thanks for the response Kim. I agree that lowering BP has NOTHING to do with lowering tics. And, the DASH diet will not effect blood pressure if you don't have a problem with BP. However, the mechanism by which the DASH diet lowers BP is not fully understood. Some scientists believe that nitrates found in some veggies are the reason? clonidine is an Adrenergic Receptor Agonist > http://www.ovc.uoguelph.ca/BioMed/Courses/...energ_agon.html I know that androgens have an impact TS and that is the reason tics effect boys more than girls? Additionally, magnesium, and other vitamins are said to be helpful with tics and they lower blood pressure. While I know that blood pressure and tics are not directly related, I can't help but ponder this? http://ahavj.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/a...onaha;37/5/1199 In this review the possible mechanisms by which androgens may increase blood pressure are discussed. Androgens It has long been known that androgens (such as testosterone, the male sex hormone) affect Tourette syndrome. This is why Tourette syndrome affects three times more males than females. Also, Shapiro et al. (1988) and Scahill (1990) reported that anabolic steroids made Tourette syndrome symptoms worse. The reason these androgens aggravate Tourette syndrome is probably related to serotonin. It is known that steroids lower serotonin levels, and it is probable that high levels of other androgens will as well. http://au.geocities.com/jones_kacm/chem.htm#And I'm probably grasping at straws but I thought I'd ask if anyone has tried anything similar. I just found this tidbit too? http://jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/content/full/90/6/3550#SEC2 We conclude from our study that diet modulation from a high-fat, low-fiber typical Western diet to a low-fat, high-fiber diet significantly reduced serum androgens and some urinary androgens with a decreasing trend in PRT. We speculate that changes observed in circulating androgens with a low-fat diet may have a chronic effect on intraprostatic androgen levels or metabolism. None of this probably means anything, but I'm going to continue to dig a bit. Thanks again.
  7. "The DASH Diet" has been found to lower blood pressure without medications, and since high blood pressure meds have been helpful in reducing tics etc... I wondered if this diet would help people with TS? Has anyone tried this for help with TS symptoms? In short: http://heart.healthcentersonline.com/dietn...on/dashdiet.cfm Diet plays an important role in general health and some factors can lower or raise a person’s risk for certain medical conditions. Studies by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) have shown that blood pressure can be lowered through dietary modification and lowering sodium (salt) intake. The Dietary Approaches to Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure (the force of blood against artery walls).Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan is a diet that is based on the findings from these studies. The DASH diet increases the intake of foods high in nutrients and limits saturated fats and cholesterol. The combination of the DASH diet and reduced sodium intake has been proven to lower blood pressure, especially in those with hypertension (high blood pressure). The DASH diet focuses on the following guidelines: * Reduce the overall amount of fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. * Increase the number of fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy foods. * Increase fiber intake by including whole grain products. * Reduce the amount of sodium (e.g., salt) to an upper limit of 2,400 milligrams or lowest limit of 1,500 milligrams per day. * Reduce sweets and sugar-containing beverages. Overall, the DASH diet is rich in minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium, as well as protein and fiber, while low in fat, cholesterol and sodium. Patients in the DASH study who used the diet were able to lower their blood pressure to the same extent as other patients who took antihypertensives. Patients are encouraged to speak with their physician about whether the DASH diet might be used as a replacement for medications. However, people should not abruptly stop taking their medications or begin this diet without first consulting their physician. Extensive info here > http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/hea...sh/new_dash.pdf
  8. Well since you asked for feedback I have to say, I have seen no connection between tics and television, internet games, etc. Sorry. On the other hand, my child has always been prone to over stimulation of any kind and as such tics to tend to wax a bit during such times. Perhaps some kids become very excited/stimulated playing games or watching certain television shows? I also question this premise because TS was discovered long before televisions. However, all we can do is speak from our own experience. Best wishes to all.
  9. Carmine? http://www.newstarget.com/002043.html
  10. http://www.worrywisekids.org/newsletter/12_05_print.html Here is a shopping list I put together based upon her recommendations. First of all easy on the sugar/white flour! whole grains – especially wheat, brown rice, oats, millet, barley whole grain cereals (such as oatmeal, wheatgerm and rice) dairy, especially milk, cheese (think pizza!) yogurt eggs nuts/seeds – especially walnuts, peanuts, sunflower, sesame seeds, tahini fish – especially tuna, cod, salmon, halibut, trout, sardines seafood - especially crab, clams, oysters beef chicken – especially breast lamb liver pork turkey legumes - especially black beans, chick-peas, green peas, soybeans, tofu veggies, especially okra, broccoli, spinach, baked potato with the skin, sweet potatoes, asparagus, romaine lettuce, bok choy, kale, mushrooms – especially crimini tomatoes – including paste/puree, eggplant, brussel sprouts, avocado fruits, especially mangos, bananas, apricots, cantaloupe, watermelon raisins, kiwi citrus fruits (excluding lemons) vitamin supplements such as multivitamins or specific supplements can be necessary.
  11. I think overall nutrition might play a role. Tamar Chansky has written an article which gives an idea of what is helpful. http://www.worrywisekids.org/newsletter/12_05_print.html I've put together a shopping list based on her recommendations. whole grains – especially wheat, brown rice, oats, millet, barley whole grain cereals (such as oatmeal, wheatgerm and rice) dairy, especially milk, cheese (think pizza!)  yogurt eggs nuts/seeds – especially walnuts, peanuts, sunflower, sesame seeds, tahini fish – especially tuna, cod, salmon, halibut, trout, sardines seafood - especially crab, clams, oysters beef chicken – especially breast lamb liver pork turkey legumes - especially black beans, chick-peas, green peas, soybeans, tofu veggies, especially okra, broccoli, spinach, baked potato with the skin, sweet potatoes, asparagus, romaine lettuce, bok choy, kale, mushrooms – especially crimini tomatoes – including paste/puree, eggplant, brussel sprouts, avocado fruits, especially mangos, bananas, apricots, cantaloupe, watermelon raisins, kiwi citrus fruits (excluding lemons) Best wishes to you!
  12. EEK! Sorry to hear that Robin. One can buy Quercetin sups, but I'm not sure how effective they'd be? http://www.puritan.com/pages/file.asp?xs=E...D4&PID=725&np=1 Best wishes this spring with allergy season approaching. Chemar, please keep us posted on those test results. I think my dd has a CMV or EBV type virus too, because my nephew had something similar. Though, with him they were not able to pin point the exact viral infection.
  13. Clarification: I meant not to imply that helping our children is indicative of NOT accepting them.
  14. One VERY important piece I failed to mention: Amantadine *an anti-viral med* has been helpful for TS and Parkinsons. http://www.google.com.ar/search?sourceid=n...ne+and+tourette However the side effects beg consideration: Amantadine: Increases dopamine levels to offset tics. Side affects include jitteriness, attention problems, insomnia and depression.
  15. My daughter is 6 and I have been giving her the following for tics/viral issues: Calcium 333 mg Magnesium 133 mg Zinc 5mg Also, how much B12 is recommended for a 40 pound girl? She takes a good multi from Puritan, but I'd like to add some B12 per Claire's suggestion. Edited to add ~ I did find this, which is good: What is the health risk of too much vitamin B12? The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences did not establish a Tolerable Upper Intake Level for this vitamin because Vitamin B12 has a very low potential for toxicity. The Institute of Medicine states that "no adverse effects have been associated with excess vitamin B12 intake from food and supplements in healthy individuals" [7]. In fact, the Institute recommends that adults over 50 years of age get most of their vitamin B12 from vitamin supplements or fortified food because of the high incidence of impaired absorption of B12 from animal foods in this age group [7]. However, B6 can be toxic and can cause lasting nerve damage in large amounts? What is the health risk of too much vitamin B6 ? Too much vitamin B6 can result in nerve damage to the arms and legs. This neuropathy is usually related to high intake of vitamin B6 from supplements, (28) and is reversible when supplementation is stopped. According to the Institute of Medicine, "Several reports show sensory neuropathy at doses lower than 500 mg per day" (12). As previously mentioned, the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine has established an upper tolerable intake level (UL) for vitamin B6 of 100 mg per day for all adults (12). "As intake increases above the UL, the risk of adverse effects increases (12)." Is there a way to OD in a sense on these vitamins? Additionally, I'd like to add more Zinc, but wasn't sure if I'd over do it? Answered my own question here as well: What is the health risk of too much zinc? Zinc toxicity has been seen in both acute and chronic forms. Intakes of 150 to 450 mg of zinc per day have been associated with low copper status, altered iron function, reduced immune function, and reduced levels of high-density lipoproteins (the good cholesterol) (34). One case report cited severe nausea and vomiting within 30 minutes after the person ingested four grams of zinc gluconate (570 mg elemental zinc) (35). In 2001 the National Academy of Sciences established tolerable upper levels (UL), the highest intake associated with no adverse health effects, for zinc for infants, children, and adults (2). The ULs do not apply to individuals who are receiving zinc for medical treatment, but it is important for such individuals to be under the care of a medical doctor who will monitor for adverse health effects. The 2001 Upper Levels for infants, children and adults are (2): As for how much people should have: http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/cc/zinc.html#signs Thanks guys! Also Chemar mentioned GABA, and the fact that some kids react. Can someone tell me more about what GABA accomplishes and what the side effects are? Here's a handy website if any are interested: http://ods.od.nih.gov/Health_Information/I...upplements.aspx
  16. Inspired by Chemar. List of human herpes viruses: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Epstein Barr Virus (Mononucleosis) Roseola Infantum (Exanthem Subitum) Zoster Virus Initial: Varicella Zoster Virus (Chicken Pox) Reactivation: Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1: Oral Herpes Type 2: Genital Herpes
  17. The ALLERGY tests we got were all of the IGE nature. Due to my daughters eczema, RAST is out of the question as false positives are common under such circumstances. I do understand food sensitivities are DIFFERENT than all out allergies, and that there is controversy as to which tests are better etc ... however both sensitivities and allergies can and often are temporary, so I shall watch my daugher for changing patterns - instead of this or that allergy test. * I'm done testing for allergies right now, but will continue to monitor for sensitivities via behavior/tics etc. * I don't understand all the tests below, but here is a list of what is noted: Chem 14 panel: Glucose Bilrubin Ketones Serum Glutamate Phosphorus PRO ? URO ? NIT BLO LEU And a metabolic panel: Potassium Chloride Carbon dioxide Calcium Protein Albumin Globulin A/G ratio Blilrubin Alkaline Phos AST ALT TSH Thyroxine Triiodothyronine Copper Ceruloplasmin I do intend to pursue a urine for the yeast (in spite of a lack of symptoms - and heavy yogurt consumption) as the doc did a blood test for yeast allergy instead? I also intend to test for Pyroluria and Glutathione via urine, then I'm likely done with formal testing and on to observation and hopefully ... acceptance, which is what I really need to work on.
  18. My daughter had allergy symptoms last spring as well. I read that foods high in quercitin provide natural allergy relief. Here is a great article on that subject: http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/fitness_and...04_feature9.jsp " Quercitin, a plant compound found in apples and grapes, also inhibits inflammation in nasal passages." So we eat lots of apples around here. Additionally, quercitin can be found in apple/grape juice. Not sure quercitin helps with tics, but if it helps with the allergies ... perhaps?
  19. Indeed! Good point. I've personally been treating this in a dietary manner (feeding L-lysine foods ~ and avoiding or combining w/ the noted lysine foods above) but I do think I'll get some "L-Lysine" from www.puritan.com as well. Puritan has it's buy one get 2 free sale now, I am about to order: http://www.puritan.com/pages/psearch.asp?x...D8100E9C12&sc=3 Here is a list of foods with a higher lysine than argnine ratio: Argnine FEEDS the virus ... Here is a short list: Remember, try to balance everything you eat, e.g., if you eat foods high in Arginine, balance them with L-lysine foods or with Lysine/L-lysine tablets (500mg/day minimum). Lysine products can be purchased online or from most health food stores and specialty shops. High in Lysine Dietary sources: beef brewer's yeast. cheese chicken dairy products, eggs fish meat milk potatoes soybeans yogurt * Avoid or balance these common high in Arginine Dietary sources: brown rice caffeine chocolate coconut nuts nut products oatmeal raisins seeds whole wheat bread More on nutrition here: http://www.globalherbalsupplies.com/herpes...ation.htm#table http://www.herpes.com/nutrition.html What's interesting is that my daughter describes a tingly sensation in her body and extremities, which seem related to her tics?
  20. Very interesting. It's good to know there is something you may be able to do. I'm loading up on the Zinc! Best wishes to you and your son Chemar.
  21. For those interested "Zinc" is a natural anti-viral that fights the herpes virus. I'm going to give it a try for my daughters cold sores, and see if her tics lessen. Here is a complete list of natural anti-virals. http://www.connecticutcenterforhealth.com/...iotic.html#sec8 Involved in all aspects of cellular & humoral immunity. Particularly important: young children & elderly. Assists in the restoration of reduced levels of thymic hormones. Shortens duration of acute rhinitis infections. Inhibits viral replication (rhino, picorna, Herpes simplex, vaccinia). Inhibits inflammation of respiratory mucosa and infection by human rhinovirus.
  22. I'm surprised there is such little interest in this: I've found this as well ... "At one time on this forum, someone posted a response that indicated their child was treated with an antiviral medication that stopped the ticcing in their child. My daughter,who has mild TS and horrible canker sores has previously been treated for the canker sores with an antiviral medication that no longer seems effective. We are going to see the doctor this week. Would the poster who gave that original info be willing to give the name of the antiviral used? Maybe it could help us two ways -- the ticcing and the canker sores. Any other advice from anyone else would be greatly appreciated. I just have a feeling these are all tied together. Thank you!" http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/forum_2/T...csCankerso.html Additionally they have used Amantadine (an anti-viral) in treatment Tourette syndrome and Parkinsons? ... Encephalitis is caused by several types of viral infections. Herpesvirus is the most common cause ... Tourette's involves a genetic predisposition and an autoimmune trigger leading to a neurological abnormality.
  23. Question. I was told that heavy metals only show up on hair for about 3 months? Does anyone else have contrary info? So far we've tested negative for Yeast, heavy metals (via urine) hypoglycemia and other conditions. I plan to test for Pyroluria and Glutathione soon as well. Not sure on the metals hair test, as I don't know that it will do any good if they only show up for a short period? The only place my daughter could have been exposed to heavy metals is via green treated lumber, and we removed any and all traces of it last year. Thanks
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