Hi I am Bailey and want any information from persons whose child is otherwise emotionally and physically healthy except for simple vocal and motor tics. My husband and I both have minor ticcing. Mine was really bad when I was ages 14 through 21 with neck twitching and head shaking. It is now only occasional and well hidden with only some neck twitching. My husband has a minor vocal tic where he and I are the only ones that really notice anything. Unfortunately, it appears our eight year old child has gotten both simple motor and vocal tics from us, but greatly magnified to the point it takes weeks for his waxing episodes to wane. He is also being ridiculed in school. We ache so badly for him! We have cut out caffeine, watch his sugar intake and make sure that he gets plenty of rest. He has been on Paxil (10mg) the last year without any real impact. Out of desperation and although trying to avoid drugs, we have surrendered to him being put on Clonidine(0.5 ) due to the ostracism he is experiencing at school. I have reflected on his tic triggers. The only pattern that emerges is that when he is excited or anxious the ticcing will begin and take weeks or months to subside once triggered. For example, Christmas time last year he began severe ticcing. A recent vacation elicited ticcing. Going back to school and or his baseball games triggered ticcing. How does one avoid setting off the ticcing responses to anxious or exciting events with a young boy? Recently, he had a migraine headache episode where the neurologist ordered an MRI test that showed he has had a stroke in his Medulla Oblangata that the neurologist firmly believes occurred sometime long ago, possibly in utero due to my toxemia during pregnancy. Further he was born with a heart condition where he had to take a potent heart drug the first three years daily of his life. The neurologist firmly believes that my son's ticcing, the migraine episode, and the past stroke are all totally unrelated events. He explained this is because ticcing, migraines and where he had the stroke in the medulla oblangata each occur in a different section of the brain. For the Love of God what is going on with my boy? I absolutely abhor the ticcing that my son endures and the social repercussions he experiences for something he can not control. Again, no patterns are emerging over here where I feel I can do prevention because his tics seem to be triggered by normal exciting events(i.e. Christmas , vacations) or anxiety(going back to school, playing sports). Please give me input if someone has some ideas for me on what caused his tics in the first place , or how I can help him prevent triggering the tics. Thank you so much! And I pray for all of our children and each other that must go through this distressing condition that their is relief. Bailey