Hello all. I found this forum by accident while doing a google search and it caught my attention. I've had a problem with random muscular twitches as I call them for around 10 months now. I was diagnosed by a neurologist as having something called Benign Fasculation Syndrome (BFS). I'm wondering if these 'tics' you are all describing are the same as my twitches. I have to say when I first started experiencing them I didn't really know what to call them. Basically every few minutes or sometimes seconds, a random muscle in my body will contract for a split second. Its usually not enough for anyone watching me would take notice of. Is this what you all mean by 'tics'? In the 10 months that I've been having the problem, I found that certain foods made the twitching worse. Gluten was my worst offender. It not only makes me twitch much more dramatically and with greater frequency, but it also caused me to have elevated anxiety. Dairy, soy and caffiene were other things that I found I need to avoid.
Despite my avoiding foods I have found I have a sensitivity to, I still twitch though. I believe the food sensitivities were brought about by having too much candida in my system which caused me to develop 'Leaky Gut Syndrome'. Anyway, I've been on a strict detoxification diet for almost 4 months now and I've even been going to a homeopath who has been treating my individual food sensitivities through a technique called NAET. The twitching remains however. I'm much much better than I was when I didn't know to avoid certain foods, but as I'm making headway in my treatment, I was hoping to see the twitching go away. So far it isn't. I'm going to stick with it and remain hopeful, but I'm also on a constant quest for more information. This forum looks like a good source for more info, especially if you are having the same symptoms as me, the tics. I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say. Thank you in advance.