Dr. K said that once we did the one 2 day 1.5 HD IVIG, that was it. that kids typically fall into 3 categories if it is not caught within the first week.
1. They need one HD IVIG and prophylactics. --then vigilance. He said his stats which he said were a small group-no major study scale were 90% improve after 3 months. For our case, we have definitely seen improvement, just have seen some tics which just freaked me out big time.
2. The kids who get one IVIG and then "stall" or start to slip at 3-4 months out. They recover 60-70% and that's it. They require a booster--not the major initial HD IVIG but he did not clarify at this time what that dose is. He said that for us, we needed to check for co-infections and immune panel which we drew like 5 vials of blood for today. He did not say if the booster should be repeated if in the future we should have a major problem.
3. Non responders to 1 or 2. Further Research if it is another type of infection or a true psych disorder.
He said they have had one 24 year old come down with psychiatric symptoms after strep infection (nice).
He also said the children with major headaches actually have the best outcomes. He said he had just had a meeting with Swedo I guess last week when he was out discussing some of this stuff. He was such a pleasant, brilliant man and worth every penny of the consult.