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Everything posted by Decorah

  1. So I'm fairly new. My son, age 8, has had tics for two years. They have gone from mild to marked and now, just as school is approaching, they are overwhelming. He is a great kid; just wants to have fun and watching him tic is so painful. Today it was full shoulder shrugs, head bobs, throat clearing, gasping... I just don't do well with it. He is not on meds. Psychologist said to wait to medicate until he needs it; not us! But I just feel so sad for him and crazy about all of it. We live in Mpls. and are going to Children's Hospital's Integrative Medical Center soon. It specializes in alternative therapys. I'm not comfortable prescribing herbal remedies on my own. There are so many, they are so unregulated and I worry about how they all might interact. Is anyone else this lost and stymied and tired? So scared about what will come when he is in school trying to contain it all. And how his self esteem will suffer.... Thanks for listening. Decorah
  2. Hello everyone, My sons tics are intensifying and I would prefer not to medicate. We are doing much of the things I read about on this site; eating organics, limiting stress and TV, watching and learning about triggers, etc. but I need help in understanding how to move forward on testing. From reading Latitudes and this forum there seems to be two main avenues to try - nutritional analysis and allergy testing. And it appears that my mainstream ped. nuero. will be no help. So how do I get referrals and what do I ask for? A full spectrum analysis? Blood work? Do I need a doctor to get the tests? Honestly, I don't feel comfortable ordering the tests and getting results myself. I need a doctor to analyze the results and direct me to the next step. Do allergists understand the TS connection? Any ideas to try for Doctors? I live in the midwest. I would like to get any testing covered by insurance if at all possibe as I'm sure everyone would. But I need to convince someone they are neccessary. My son has never had any obvious allergies. He eats well and has always been healthy. His tics began 18 months ago, right after he turned 6. We have a family history of tics so I know there is a genetic component involved. Any help would be great. Decorah
  3. Thanks to all of you for your supportive advice. I am still so perplexed by this syndrome. There is no connection between the severity of the tics as it is passed down through the genes, nor is there any "normal" course of the disease once it is diagnosed. So I'm wondering, out loud so to speak, whether most of you on this forum believe that TS is a syndrome with symptoms we can control through alternative methods of treatment or whether our kids are somehow "allergic" to things in the environment which then cause tics. I'm just trying to get the big picture. In our case, we have family history. I never knew about the history until my son presented with symptoms but here we are nonetheless. So is there a consensus on whether alternative treatments work better for kids with genetic history of TS or for those without? Again, I have found all the comments helpful. Especially those regarding my daugther. I am so overvigilant. Today was a good day. My son participated in a chess tourney all day and had lots of fun. Tics and all! Decorah
  4. Hello everyone, I'm another newbie although I have been "lurking" for a week or two. A quick introduction. My son has been diagnosed with TS. He is 7 and his symptoms started 15 months ago. His tics came on fast and hard and we went through the "is this epilepsy?" or what stage. After a sleep-deprived EEG and a review of our family history, which includes tics, he was diagnosed by a pediatric neurologist. We have not medicated as of yet. His tics have been, until now, mild. But they are intensifying and my daughter, age 5, is starting to show signs of facial tics. Neither of my children have had any of the accompanying issues yet of OCD or ADD. But I realize that these conditions may present themselves in the future. It has been a whirlwind of emotions for my husband and myself. The emotional ups and downs that I have read from so many other parents. Before trying meds I'd like to try alternative treatments. I am fortunate to know another family that has used alternative treatments to treat a tic disorder with their child and they let me know about Latitudes. I have the back issues and have been digging through them. The information overload is hard to handle. Some of my concerns include; how to get my pediatrician to understand all of this and how to get going on some of the avenues of treatment. I went to one of these health food stores and looked at the vitamins and I just turned around and walked out. I was overwhelmed at the choices and I am very hesitant to start giving my son "up to 20 pills a day" when the products aren't uniform or prescribed. Does he need a nutritional workup first, so that I know what he lacks before I start adding things? This seems reasonable and yet I'm not sure how to find out what he lacks? What kind of doctor specializes in this type of analysis? Both my kids are good eaters, we already use a lot of organics in our cooking at home and I am not aware of any allergies in either of my kids. But I realize, after reading Latitudes, that they may have allergies and I am just unaware of their existence. We already know that stress and emotional upheavals cause tics. (This seems universal across the board. ) And we try to keep life simple for my son. He also increases his tics if he is sick or exercising. I think he just feels free to release when he is running around. I guess we feel that we have a window of time, when my kids are young and not under too close scrutiny by their peers, to try to find some methods to help them before we have to try medical intervention. I'm just very leery about the vitamin protocols I am reading here in that I feel so unqualified to be a "prescriber". Any good links to information on this topic would be especially appreciated. We also use some, although not a lot, of typical household cleaners. I have bleach in the house and PineSol. What are the experiences of others out there on this issues? If I get a vaccum with filters, pull up all synthetic carpets and use air purifiers in the, will this make a difference? When he is exposed elsewhere on a daily basis? I know I am asking a lot of questions. I have so many more. I don't have a goal of stopping the tics. There are so many and so often. But I would like to reduce them, understand them, and inhibit an increase if I can. My son is a beautiful boy, so happy and loving. He's not sure why this is happening and I don't have any answers for him that help. But he is not the strongest kid on the block and I think ridicule by his peers will be so difficult for him. I also have my own set of anxieties and fears which I need to deal with. Reading this forum and knowing others are out there with similar concerns is so helpful for me. Thanks for reading! I don't have much experience with using this board so I apologize for typos. Decorah
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