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Everything posted by jackieann

  1. Daughter now 16 diagnosed with Asperger's at age 13.
  2. My daughter had the "paralysis" which could last from a few minutes up to three hours, and included drooling and slurring. She also had "dystonia" for a couple of months. We know the immobility and dystonia were conversion- when the neuro told her the dystonia was CD, she walked the same day. After the Dr. told her the immobility was CD, she didn't experience it anymore. Now I wonder if the tics are also CD. I found some articles on conversion disorder, and am emailing one of our Drs to see about having some of the recommended tests done to exclude other diagnoses. The list of tests are on this page: My link I found another article about conversion disorder- Barking Vocalizations and Shaking Movements in a 13-Year Old Gir
  3. Does anyone know if taking SSRI's impacts the test results? My dd takes zoloft.
  4. I have my daughter's tests from Dr. Cunningham, but we haven't yet had an explanation of them by my daughter's Doctor. Back story- three-day onset of violent tics Dec 2008, did not respond to 15 day steroid burst. Treated as TS until I saw Saving Sammy. No response to Augmentin 2000mg taken for the past three months. (Dr. said it wouldn't hurt to try it...) Any help in interpreting these is most welcome. It's so hard to wait for the Dr. to call! Cam Kinase II 167 Anti-Lysoganglioside 320 Anti-Tubulin 1000 Anti-Dopamine 1 1000 Anti-Dopamine 2 16000
  5. We were most impressed with Dr. James Leckman at the Yale Child Study Center.
  6. Getting rid of my daughter's warts didn't help her very severe TS & OCD. If you want to get rid of warts, find a psychologist who uses hypnosis. I know it sounds crazy, but it works! I had to cancel her dermatologist appt. because three weeks after starting hypnosis specifically targeting the warts (1 huge, several others, smaller) they were gone. She had had them for two years! We originally started hypnosis for TS (recommended by prominent Dr. since medications and other treatments weren't working for her.) Just learned her CamKinase is elevated and anti-dopamine 2 is 2.5 x normal. I'm waiting to hear from her Dr. just what that means.
  7. I just had a phone consult with Dr. Nicolaides today. She was great and spent more time on my daughter's complicated case than I expected. We learned about her from the mystery diagnosis episode on Sammy. We're in the process of scheduling an appt. to meet with her. Good luck! Jackie
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