I am the mom of a six-year old boy who over the last six weeks has developed OCD behavior, tics, mood swings, etc. All of that started about eight days after being diagnoised with a strep infection. He actually told me that something was wrong - that he suddenly felt the need to touch everything evenly. I immediately thought of PANDAS (thanks to all of you that have spent so much time getting the word out) and convinced my ped to run bloodwork. His dNase and ASO were very elevated and after quite a bit of convincing, my ped agreed to a 'trial run' of three months of Augmentin. From start to finish that process took about 5 weeks! I thought I was seeing some progress after the four-five days of abx but yesterday and today were not good. Is this normal and how long do I wait before we give up on abx and try something else???
We are also scheduled to see a pediatric neurologist tomorrow who I'm sure will tell me that there is no such thing as PANDAS and that my son needs to be on an SSRI (heard it all before). If he wants to draw blood again, I'd like to request that we include the titers and any other key tests. Are there other things that I should have my son tested for? So far, we've done titers, glucose, liver profile, cbc, ceruplasmin, thryoxine, EBV panel, lead, crp, mono, lyme disease, vitamin d and ferritin. The ferritin was very low and titers were very high..the rest was normal.
Any information on other tests would be very appreciated!