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Everything posted by Susan

  1. Maybe your girlfriends parents don't support a tourette diagnosis because she is diagnosising herself. If she has insurance, what is stopping her from seeking a professional medical diagnosis? If there is no TS experienced doctor on her medical plan, than gather information on tourettes and take it to her general practitioner and talk to him. My son is 11 and for almost a year I tried as much natural remedies as possible and they helped a little, but not enough to stop him from licking his desk in school and keep him paying attention long enough to finish his work. We started him on Abilify, he is only on 2.5 mg a day and he went from the school not being able to grade him to all A's and B's and lots of friends now calling the house. I found with doctors that are uneducated in tourettes, you must take contol yourself and ask for what you think is best to try. This medication is not cheap, my co-pay is 50$ a month (200$ a month supply if no insurance and that would be the lowest dose) and you need to read all the side effects and be under a doctors care. I do not believe that diet is the cause of tourettes; however, believe it is the cause of making tics or emotional behavior worse. It takes dedication to watch what you eat and it will take money and support from her parents because vitimans and tests are expensive. She can do some of it on her own without cost and I would start with the depression because this alone can prevent her emotionally from carrying through with taking care of herself. Sounds to me like the depression is worse than the tics because she could harm herself, but watch these doctors that want to prescribe several medications, one for each of her symptoms. I just got back from a tourettes family camp in Tampa, some of these kids are on 4 or 5 meds. Some doctors are splitters and some lumpers (meaning my doctor lumps my sons OCD, ADD and depression as TS) and he is on one med which helps all of them and I still see from time to time very little of any of them but remember medication is not to make you get rid of depression all time, that's not normal. Good Luck
  2. Do not feel bad to medicate you child, if he had another disease and it was necessary you would do so. I tried everything even bringing someone into my house to help. My son is also ADD and OCD and the only thing that helped him was Abilify. He is on 5 mg in morning and takes nothing else except vitimans, he was unable to grade the first quarter of school while I was trying the natural way. He continued to lick his desk and mumble and could not pay attention at all !! The second quarter on abilify he is all A's and B's and our life at home is much happier. I don't have to stand in the bath while he takes a shower, I only have to ask once to get the shoes tied, no anger rages, he is popular in school. Of course I continue to do what is healthy for our family with whole foods and less TV, but not because of tics now, because our time is better spent.
  3. That would be ADD...unable to focus on one thing for any period of time and difficulty getting tasks done timely. Usually accompanies TS. Would be considered multi-tasking if you didn't forget to go back to the other item and finish it.
  4. Thanks, any suggestions help. Found another TS mom on the internet from Sarasota and she works at the hospital, will meet here this Saturday at TSA meeting hoping she will have information. What is Craig's list, is this an internet job referral service?
  5. My son is 11 years old and after 5 doctors finally diagnosed with TS, OCD and ADD last April. I refused to medicate him and tried more natural alternatives until school this year. He could not read, write or pay attention for more than a minute. I tried a few meds that did not work and finally found one that put him in control and now he is back to an A student when they wouldn't even give him a report card the first semister. I am trying again by reading and printing all the helpful information here to feed him right and give the proper supplements, because I believe this has a lot do do with diet and exercise. Now, I am a single working mom in a man's line of business that I feel has been forgiving through so many hours away for testing and doctors appointments and surely the heartbreak and stress have taken quality time from my son and work. I must hire someone to go through my kitchen - throw out, grocery shop for me, cook and show me how to prepare meals, if not, the stress and no quality time with my son will overwhelm me. My question is, has anyone done this? What did it cost you? Where did you find someone reliable? I am in Sarasota Florida and tried to google several titles like Nutrionist Sarasota etc., nothing. I'm going to try the hospital tomorrow. Have hired help before for the house (nanny when baby and cleaners), when you place an ad in the paper, people don't read your needs and have had as much as 25 calls in a day with people that just think they can do it and cause me more issues and headaches when given the chance. I need someone who has done this for their own family or has schooling. Does anyone have advise or a lead for me? Thanks Susan
  6. Claire: I am in Sarasota Florida and thanks to your posts on this web site I have made notes on where I can get started to get help for my son. I have written down a lot of tests that should be taken for discovery. I am now trying to find the right doctor that can not only administer but has experience in TS patients. Once you go through 5 doctors just trying to get a proper diagnosis, just put finding another doctor in front of you. Do we have any posts that recommend an allergist or MD in my area, I really don't want to go north to Tampa. And, just as a note, it might be a good thing to have a section where we can name names of doctors that have put us through ###### and expense and those that are educated in the sydrome and can be of help. Thanks Susan
  7. Okie Dokie, visited the site, looks like they can send you a urine test for determination of pyroluria and a blood test has to be taken for Histamine which I assume you give to your doctor and he does for you. I'm reading your other post now on the histamine and will check with my son's doctor. Thanks
  8. Very Confusing as my son has TS, ADD and OCD. What is good for the ADD, may not be good for the OCD. In the ADD Formula by Buried Treasure found at www.lifelinefoods.com there is DMAE and Phosphatidyl Choline. Also finding vitimans without preservatives so far both I know of available to me have choline, B12 and copper. I know this ADD formula is helping him, I notice a difference if I run out and he doesn't have it for awhile, but it doesn't do anything for the OCD. What if you have symptoms from both lists, how do you determine if you are high or low?
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