Hello. I have an appt. for my DD8 for her first visit and am wondering what to be sure to ask about, have tested for etc. She started having sudden tics about 2 weeks ago. It started with head shaking and has increased since then. She also makes a face like she is sniffing, although not actually sniffing. She mentioned she also feels like she needs to tighten her arm as if flexing her muscle, and tighten the muscle in her jaw. She does a little blinking at times also. This is all after having 2 strep infections about a week apart (after finishing her antibiotics). After the second round of antibiotics, she lost her appetite and would hardly eat for about a week or so. She said she felt like she would vomit if she did. As soon as her appetite started to come back the tics started. She also has been very emotional, crying without even understanding herself why. From all the research I have been doing, it certainly seem to me like it is PANDAS. I just want to know what I should talk about other than all the information about what has been happening. Is there any tests the doctor should be telling me to have done? Also, do most doctors seem open to the idea that it could be this? Have you come accross some that feel it is not proven or does not truly exist? Thanks in advance for any help. I want to make sure I am getting any information I can.