Does anyone have experience or advice with older teenagers? I have two teens with PANDAS. My daughter is 19 and my son is 14. They both have had tics, OCD, ADD etc. They both began seeing a Neurologist at an early age about 4 or 5. After displaying tics and behavior issues at between 2 and 3 years old. I always knew it was strep related just because of the close relation of exposure to strep and their symptoms. The docs always told me PANDAs was controversial and they never wanted to take the issue any further. Both kids have been on SSRI,s and Strattera for years. Now that they are older their symptoms are lesser degree but they still have some symptoms. They both still wax and wane with all symptoms but dont seem to get strep very often,(that I am aware of). I am just realizing they definitely have PANDAS, the more I read the more I say " my kids fit this exactly, they have had episodes of all of the symptoms". I just received copies of their medical records and after going through and highlighting everything related to PANDAS, I was shocked. There were even symptoms in the records I had forgotten they had. We have been dealing with this for 17 years.
Does anyone have any advice on where to start for medical treatment?
Does anyone have experience with starting treatment at such a late age.
The 19 year old is of course finished growing. The 14 year old is just starting puberty he is a late bloomer.
Thank you for any advice.
We live in SouthEastern Virginia
I am going to call Dr. Beth Latimers office on Monday to see if she will see the kids