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  1. Hi Vickie. You are absolutely right. I am actually on this site for my son's PANDAS, but wanted to comment on your post. I have mild tric since I was 12 years old (I am 43). 2 years ago I read an article about NAC and started taking it. I have been doing quite well on 1200 mg a day in conjunction with Prozac. Heidi (M.A., CSW)
  2. I'm just curious. Does anyone else have a teenager just being diagnosed? It seems as if the other kids are young. Although, I think I can pinpoint when this started as 3rd grade. Does your dd have PANDAS?
  3. Hi Angela and all. This is my first post. We have an appointment with Dr. Trifiletti next week. Hard decision on who to go to. My son Z will be 16 next week. He has been treated for tics for several years now on Clonidine. ADD and OCD were never treated because the meds could cause exacerbated tics. Z presents so "normal" that he was denied a section 504 even when appealed. Last spring our wonderful pediatrician had him tested for strep after some odd behaviors in school occurred. Titers came back elevated and we was started on Penic. which his neurologist took him off of in August. Things seemed good until a couple of weeks ago when grades started falling and some behaviors were odd. Had him tested again and strep titer are again elevated. Neurologist will not treat for PANDAS. The pediatrician said we should find someone to treat the PANDAS. After calling in many favors and speaking to several physicians, it seems that there are only a few folks who truly treat PANDAS. We look forward to the appt next week. P.S. This feels really good to get it out and not feel like a crazy person when talking to friends and school officials who think I'm nuts! -HeidiS
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