My story- well it spans a period of 4 years, so I'll try to make it brief ..... My dd - now 10, started showing signs of OCD in 1st grade after an episode of a very bad sore throat. I did not piece these pieces together until recently. I pulled her medical records and was astonished to see that the onset of this bizarre behavior started around the time of this sore throat incident. The ped. was so sure it was strep that he administered antibiotics despite a negative throat culture being sure that it was going to culture positive overnight. It never did culture positive - therein lies my struggle with getting a Dr. to diagnose this. She has been bedwetting consistently overnight - every night. She has never been potty trained at night. She has been clinically diagnosed (last year) with OCD. Her OCD symptoms started in 1st grade and waxed and waned to the point that we did not get them checked out -thought they were stages in development as they were not too severe. Just last year her OCD became debilitating and we had to go to psych. to have her seen and diagnosed. She has an extreme sensitivity to her pants and how they touch her stomach. She has been diagnosed with "borderline ADHD" due to some focusing issues and impulsivity. She was put on SSRI's which did absolutely NO good - they made her WORSE. She failed the 4th grade and is having to repeat it this year because of the OCD. She has developed Tics - she grunts and performs movements with her wrists that I'm not sure she is always aware that she is doing. She has frequent rages - one of which I got on videotape just yesterday. When she is in a rage, she speaks without any coherence. She is afraid of getting fat and is experiencing some food obsessions. She has only had one instance of separation anxiety that I remember last year and it lasted for several weeks. She currently is afraid of the dark and has to have the light on to go to sleep. Her psyh. totally dismissed PANDAS. I took her to her ped. who believes that PANDAS exists but will not treat her without something concrete, such as a positive strep blood test or throat culture. She did go to him a couple of months ago and she DID test positive for strep. He was able to give her a 30 day course of Amoxicillan, which helped for about 3 or 4 days -all symptoms gone, but then it returned, although less in severity. Right now, we mainly experience rages, bedwetting, tics, movements, sensitivity and some OCD. Not as bad, but still there. I live in the Raleigh /Durham triangle area of N.C. - any help would be appreciated!!!! I feel like no one is listening!!!!