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Everything posted by sgu94928

  1. I am a desperate mom with twin boys who both have the TS. They developed Tics since they were 3. At the very beginning, they just blinked eyes. Now they started the vocal tics. I took them to the different doctors but seems no solution. Recently I asked the pediatric to give them the blood test for the allergy after I read the natural treatment book. The results showed us they are very sensitive to eggs, milk, wheat, grass, potato, tomato, strawberry, tomato etc... They are very active and they like the baseball very much. However, after the practice or the game, the Tics is getting worse. I guess it might be grass issue. Since they also played the basketball but seems not that bad as baseball. Since they are allergic to many foods, I am very concern about their nutrition. Also feel very sorry for them since they can't eat cake or ice cream. Feel very cruel for the kids without the foods normal kids can eat. They are very smart and excel in their school work. They are recognized as gifted child but the handwriting is very messy. i feel so desperated for the vocal tics. any help will be highly appreciated.
  2. Dear Carolyn, Thanks a lot for your kind help. It will be greatly appreciated if you can give me some lists for the food supplement. I talked to my son's doctor regarding the Tics but she said there is no way to resolve the issue the the problem will disappear when the boys are getting older. I might need to find the nutrition specialist or the environment specialist locally. We are in Silicon Valley California. Thanks again, Jenny
  3. My 9 year old twins have been chewing their clothes since 6 months ago. they both were diagnosied as Tics last year. they had several Tics from time to time. However, they are talented and are gifted chiildren in school. They like sports and reading. At the very beginning, I thought Chewing is Tics but later I read the book written by Sheila J. Rogers and didn't find any related symptoms. So I need to know is this a bad habit or is one of the Tics. After reading the book, I noticed that they are very sensitive to the food such as colored additives etc. We don't have the family history for the Tics. It was very frustrated to see their clothes and I can't continue to buy the new ones for them since after two days the clothes are not look nice. They are biting the collars. Any help or suggestions? Great thanks, Frustrated mom
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