michael~ you need to be careful where you get tested for celiacs. not all testing places are the same. i went through prometheus labs. here's the requisition form: http://www.prometheuslabs.com/Resources/Ph...Requisition.pdf
they are one of the best labs for celiacs. i would get the "celiac plus" test, which is the genetic AND serology test (the serology test checks for IgA and IgG antibodies). My insurance did NOT cover the test, which is about $800. so i decided that i would call around to the local labs, and see if they offered some of the same tests. i ended up finding out that the hospital that i go to, sends out to the prometheus labs! so, the hospital drew my family's blood, sent it to prometheus labs, the lab sent the hospital the results, and the hospital billed my insurance! cool. so if it's not covered by your insurance, call to local hospitals that DO take your insurance, adn ask if they send out to prometheus. (i hope i make sense!)
good luck!
btw, 2 of my children came back positive for IgG (sensitivity to wheat). the GI specialist said that that sometimes happens, and what matters more is the IgA results; which my whole family came back negative on. you CAN have negative results (and a low genetic chance of celiacs) and still have gluten sensitivy. (my friend has very gluten-sensitive children, and all results came back negative. even the "gold-standard- the small intestine biopsy- isnt' full-proof.) remember, celiac's is the END result... but you may have YEARS of gluten sensitivity, and damage being done, before you develop full-blown celiacs.
chap~ what is a "gluten intolerence test"?