Hi Bonnie & Faith!
Thank you for your quick replies!
Bonnie: I´ve been recommended epsom salt baths by Cheri aswell. Excuse my lack of knowledge, but where can i get a hold of that?(We don´t live in the States). I´ve never heard of it before, is epsom the brand of the salt bath, or is it a substance in the salt? We gave our daughter a regular bath yesterday, and it calmed her down a bit, but the blinikin went on for the rest of the evening. Concerning the magnesium, do you have any idea about dosage and if we need to buy pills with magnesium, or just find food-stuff that is rich in magnesium?
Faith: Interesting theory about the flashing lights. We were there during daytime, although I have no idea if the lights affected her anyway. My theory is that it was the more intense excitment like riding the roller-coaster(which is quite a trip for a 7 year old girl(soon to be 8 in a few weeks)). What we´ve been trying to be much stricter with during the last weeks is to let her have much less sweet stuff like cookies, candy, ice-cream etc. Also we removed(as far as we know) all MSG from the food we give her. We used to use chicken flavour powder in almost all our cooking, until we realized it contained a lot of MSG....
Another very interesting thing is the development from yesterday to today. Until a few weeks ago I was very annoyed and stressed about her tics until I found this forum. Finiding the forum made me calm down a lot, when i realized that there are a lot of people in the same situation, willing to help one another. Yesterday it was my usually calm wife that was more annoyed. I told her that we should wait until tomorrow and see if it will go away after a good night sleep(I thought about the dopamine effect mentioned earlier). And amazingly, today she is tic-free again!! I don´t know if it is a combination of relaxation(we´re on vacation now) and a better diet, or something else. What I´m more and more certain of is that excitement is a major tic trigger in her case.
Oh, I also remembered, we tried to let her watch less TV for a while, but that didn´t seem to make any difference. We feel that we can´t deny her everything she enjoyes if there isn´t a clear connection to the tics.
Hope my answer helped you, please let me know if you want to know anything else.
I will also be grateful for more tips.