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madimi reacted to a post in a topic: So worried, daughter has tics
madimi reacted to a post in a topic: So worried, daughter has tics
Hi, I also understand how you feel, it can be such a lonely place seeing your child struggle with tics and desperately looking for answers. My son enters his fourth year with tics and the last 8 months his tics have been the lowest they ever been. Can i tell you why ? not really.....! I think every child is unique, for my son screen time has been his biggest trigger, there where days he wouldn't tic all day and as soon he sat down on his tablet they would come on. Times the tics where at their worst i also followed Mert advise and focused on more outside activities and family play. Next i realized tics are far from rare and many adults have mild tics much more than people with more complex Tourette, so that was my biggest hill to climb to stop convincing myself the worst would happen. My son tics have never been noticed at school, although i asked numerous times . which i still not understand cause at times he would tic every second of the day at home or even having more than 5 tics at the same time. I might have been a stress factor for my son, taking him from one therapy to the other, only made his tics worse. Letting him get away with more then his brother because of fear triggering tics. I let all that go now and treat him like no other kid with all the stress and pressure that comes with it. Kids sense more than we know so be very careful. Does your child also rotate through different tics? Don't lose hope, i also had moments where it felt like his tics where only getting worse instead of better. But now he is 10 and they did get better. Greetings, Lindsey
madimi reacted to a post in a topic: So worried, daughter has tics
My son also had breathing tics, unfortunatley i don't have any advise to help with this tic. In our case my son has a tic for couple a weeks and than stops and turns into another tic and often 3/4 tics at the same time. Been looking for answers like any other parent over here, but had no luck so far. Stay strong i know how difficult it can be.
Hi Just wondering how everyone is doing? We are still coping with tics, lately my son has many different tics at the same time but frequency of them happening is lower. If that makes any sense? I still have not figured out what triggers them. Stress and exitement seems te make them worse. And when he is sick with a virus he tics much less wich is odd i think. Hope everyone is well. Lindsey
madimi reacted to a post in a topic: So worried, daughter has tics
MLee reacted to a post in a topic: So worried, daughter has tics
Hi Atex. My son is 9 and his tics are also slowly progressing every year, but after obsessing for many years for finding triggers and going from one doctor to another, I recently decided to take a step back and just enjoy life. Every kid with tics is unique with his own triggers. Personally for me i don't believe change of diet, gut health etc.. made any difference for my son. Cbit didn't help my son either, he even told his therapist; why i have to change my tics they dont bother me i just want to be free. This changed my view a lot my son isn't suffering from his tics only i was sadly. Do i see triggers yes, screentime is a big trigger for my son, but i still let him, why take away something he enjoys just because he tics more while doing so! I see in the mornings he almost doesn't tic and towards the evening they tend to get more. Exitment is also a trigger for my son we went to a Water park and he ticced more. But there are also many times he doesn't tic at all. Like on the beach i rarely see him tic, where we spend many days cause we are living on a island. Or while eating dinner my son doesn't tic or when playing with his pet hamsters. So what im trying to say we can help a little, but cannot control the tics entirely. And maybe in a few years they be gone or maybe not. But me being more relaxed helped my son for the better for sure. Greetings
Just wondering how everyone is doing My son has turned 9 and still tics. The evolution of tics have changed over time, before he used to be stuck in 1 or 2 for a few months and as of right now every day its different he can do a eye roll 1 day and the next day it can be entirely gone. So every day its a surprise😀 He is still not bothered by his tics and at school his teacher keeps looking at me like im making it all up. so its possible he supresses them at school or are they just not that obvious in a class with 20 kids At home i always dee some kind of tic so im really not overeacting. He is been doing 4 months of therapy and i noticed no difference. By now i thought i would handle things better but every time after a good waning period when the tics suddenly make their comeback i still feel as defeated as i did in the beginning . Hope everyone is well Greetings.
Hi Mert, Happy to know your daughter tics became milder. We are still going in waves and seem to be be rotating through older tics so i take it as a good thing he hasnt developped new tics.At the moment we see shoulder shrugging (but only when walking outside ) and a cough/throat clear quite frequent. Only thing seems to help my son are outside activities its where his tics seem to be at its lowest. And being on a ipad he has them the worst. My sister has five kids and 2 of them are also experiencing mild tics and my sister has been blinking here whole life a lot so i do think there is a genetic link in my family. Tourette diagnosis seems likely for my son.
Hi everyone, Wondering how everyone is DOING? A friend of mine suggested Neurofeedback she had good results for her son. Anyone here have experience with this? greetings
Hi Silver, Im glad to hear the tics are fairly mild. although i understand how hard it must be for you to go through this with both your daughters. We also have a appointment 27 July for a evaluation with a therapist. Most days i get so frustated with myself that i let the tics control my life especially at moments i catch myself only seeing his tics instead of the amazing boy he is, and it makes me feel like a bad mom. The good thing is he never says anyting about his tics and is very happy indeed, i also noticed many times he is not aware that he is ticcing. I wish you wish you all the best with your daughters.
Hi Mert thank you for your reply. At the moment i feel like we take 2 steps forward and than 3 back. From having very very mild tics for 3 years now suddenly a big rise and i think at the moment we have at least 6 tics active, eye tic a nose wiggle and playing with the air between his lips which creates a sound ( best way explain) and a ocassionally throat clear. I been trying very hard to keep anxiety down been going every day to the beach, at those times tics are almost absent. But as soon were home non top tics The eye roll started few weeks ago very frequent for 2 days and than subsided to mabye a couple times a day, till yesterday again very frequent. So on and all the last 6 months we have seen big increase in tics and many changed form. Im starting to lose hope a little bit especially since i had hopes with school over he would be more relaxed. Well this was me pouring my heart out once again.
Hi, Sadly my son has developed a eye rolling tic. Mabye anyone advice how to handle this because at the end of the day he complains about a headache! thanks a worried mom
I have seen the same things in my son a haircut triggers waving his forhead, playing football it triggers pulling up his football socks constantly etc....sometimes i think his brain is on repeat like everyday gestures we do stay on repeat. And i like to believe in the science that the brain is still inmature and will correct itself while getting older. In the meantime i stay alert for any other symtoms.
Thank you Mert. Yes hopefully my son will start therapy this summer. We do realise he is under stress with school he follows private Greek speech lesson and he mentiod there he finds day school hard. He is very smart but i only speak Dutch to him at home so sometimes he struggles with the grammar at day Greek school. However his private teacher told me she never observed any tics so i think sometimes in social setting he can control himself. He also goes to Dutch school in the afternoons sometimes i worry if its all to much for him. But than again he is happy and the tics dont bother him. Mert how is your daughter doing?
Hi everyone just wondering how you all doing? I feel like we been in a rollercoaster of emotions (and tics) the last few months. The tics trend have changed a lot the tics morph from the one to another quite quick and each staying for a short period of time. wherelse in the past we used to be stuck with one or two for a few months. I am not sure what this sudden change means? In the meantime he is not bothered by the tics and continues to be happy and its not getting in the way of his social life. I must admit i dont think the tics wil go away anytime soon, and trying very hard to accept it as a part of our lives.
madimi reacted to a post in a topic: Vocal tics
madimi reacted to a post in a topic: So worried, daughter has tics
No we dont have ADHD/OCD. I did ask Neurologist for testing ADHD (maybe i was missing signs) but she reasurred me if this was the case he would have clear symptons home and at school, wich is not the case at all.....! Thinking back i realise we did have some sensory tics (i like to call them) like he used to tell me if i could cut the label from his shirt because it was itching him, or would asked me couple times a day to rejust his socks, or didnt like to wear hoodies because it felt tight on his neck. But if i explained he had to wear it for example after a while he did, so i dont think it was that obbsesive like OCD meaning. He plays football which he loves, i did notice when the coach puts him in the goal he tics a lot, when i asked him if he likes to be goal keeper he said yes but he is afraid to let a ball pass....! so i told him its okay when that happens and to just enjoy the game. But he loves it so we have to find a way to cope with the stress that comes with playing competitive games. I hide my anxiety as much as i can but maybe time to time he senses it for sure....! Its just that that tics were here for a long time but always mild and he would go for hours without them on a daily basis and if i took him outside i never noticed them. So this is the big change for us now there here every second of the day with no pauses.
Alright just feeling down and wanting to poor my heart out. Last Februari (after a long period of time where tics were almost unoticable )my son started suddenly with a cough/throat clearing tic what lasted for a good 2 months with intense freqency. now the cough tic is low and a neck/shoulder tic emerged with very high freqency (every few sec)so for 3 months we are not seeing any decline in tics and i start to worry again very much. I mean for 4 years we seen on and of tics but never anything like this. I keep punishing my brain what happend? why got a sudden explosion of tics, what are we doing wrong? and what can we do? i called my neurologist again and she told me if i wanted to put him on medication! what seems very extreme to me, had anyone here ever considerd this?