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Everything posted by Mommy2TarynandNadia

  1. We're using Omega cure. We take 1 tsp and fill the rest of the cup with juice or choc. almond milk and she does really well. Our ped. said this was the purest form of Omega 3 and sells it in her office. We've also used to Coromega and it is yummy!
  2. We happen to have a very open minded pediatrician who is a believer in supplements and "alternative" therapy. My daughter (5) just had some blood tests and stool samples taken and she came back with low levels of vitamin-D, yeast in stools, and an unbalanced level of her metallics. She prescribed- probiotics (1 capsule 2 X per day, Pharmax brand), multivitamin(Kirkman), Omega-3 (1 tsp Omega-cure), Zinc (1 tsp Kirkman), and liquid d-3 (1 single drop). I put the brand names in because I had been giving my daughter OTC multivit, Omega-3, and probiotics for over a year and after reviewing the brands with my ped., we found that they were full of preservatives, artificial colorings and other ingrediants that can exacerbate PANDAS symptoms. We have to be very careful with the Zinc and vit-d-she will have bloodwork every few months to make sure she isn't getting too much. My Peds found independant labs for the stool test and allergy tests and we paid out of pocket for those but I will bill the insurance when we get a statement to try to get some money back. Has your son's metallics levels and vit-D and histamine levels been checked? Luckily, my daughter is still very mild but we are trying to get her immune system very strong and her body chemistry balanced. We are awaiting test results to see if she has gluten intolerance (which can activate the inflammatory response), so we may be changing her diet soon. I probably wouldn't supplement too much without having some labs drawn, but her Dr. said multivit, Omega-3, and probiotics are supplements that everyone should take daily(she also rec we take more vit-D but warned we needed to be careful due to toxity concerns). hope this helps
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