Yes there are symptoms that are typical and are documented. Seizures and stuttering are not typical, sorry guys, they r not common for pandas. If they were swedo would have it on her list of symptoms. Who is to say that they correlate with pandas or they are a symptom of something else. A child may have them but they are not red flags for pandas. I will give a personal example; Some children with pandas have a high ANA.(2650 plus) However some people just have high ana's for no reason, with or without pandas.(Parvo virus can do this according to Murphy.) My dd has an extremely high ANA, is it correlated to pandas, I think SO, yes, but in all honesty I could be wrong. Dr T would say it does correlate with Pandas, but swedo would say not a symptom. Sometimes, everywhere I look I see pandas, if I want to, but clearly not every child with ocd, and tics has pandas. (They could have lupus, hashimotos, or head trauma,adem, a brain tumor, lymes disease.......) But I am sure that I may think they do cuz its all we know and what we see everyday. So back to my original post, these girls do not have severe sudden onset ocd, almost no boys have gotten this which statistically is strange for pandas,swedo said we should see 40 boys with this if it was a viralent strain of strep. The medical community is missing something, and I hope they continue to push for answers because it may help many if they can figure this out. But at this point to call it pandas plays right into the hands of the naysayers docs who cannot wait to show that pandas is not a legimate disease.