Both of my boys were mis-diagnosed with Tics/ ADD and one boy with just Tics.
3-4 years later found out my boys have P.A.N.D.A.S. We went to A.R.C.H. medical center in Wisconsin, Dr. Brown diagnosed the P.A.N.D.A.S. For insurance reasons we switched to Dr. K. in Hinsdale Illinois. My 12 year old son just had his 90 post I.V.I.G. check up. Results have been fantastic thus far!! We are working on insurance paperwork for my 11 year old son. Getting in pre-puberty is the key. Everything Dr. K. told us has come true thus far. My wife and I were very impressed with him. E-mail me if you need more info. through this forum or personal e-mail. We have gone through so much with my boys, and doctors and hospitals not willing to look outside of the box!! I pray everyone's kids can get the help they need.
God bless.