So we are in the very very beginning stages of researching PANDAS. About 2 weeks ago my 4.5 year old son had a fever and sore throat, saw the doctor but no throat culture at that time. The next day he started urinating obsessively. (sometimes once a minute) We tested his urine for infection, blood for diabetes, had an ultrasound and considered Pollkiuria. The degree of frequency concerened me enough to research a bit and I came across some PANDAS info online.
Knowing he had been sick right when the frequent urination started and having some past issues that fit the description, I talked to his doctor and took him in for a strep test. We were both surprised when the rapid test came back positive, it had been almost 3 weeks since the fever and he's showing no signs of strep at all.
The doc prescribed penicillin, which he's been on for 2 days now. The prescription is for 10 days.
I'm thinking I'll need to have him tested for strep again to be sure the penicillin took care of it, when do I need to do that? What's the enxt step if he's positive again? Will the rapid test be enough?
Also, about how long will it take to see some behavioral changes? I know that the problem isn't the strp bacteria, but the antibodies, so how long before the antibodies reduce enough to give him some relief?
Thank you in advance, I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the info and trying to figure out where he fits into all of this.