When we first removed gluten from her diet we thought it might help reduce the tics. But what we can tell by watching her behavior is it has seemed to calm her down. She doesn't appear as wired or high strung. She still has a short fuse but not as much stuff sets it off. Before she was very concerned about people washing their hands and germs. Especially her little sister was the focus of "being dirty". When she doesn't eat gluten this issue doesn't appear to be in the forefront of her mind. When she has pizza, cake, etc. at parties or school things these behavior return with their the old intensity. Removing gluten has not solved the problem, she still has "issues" but it has helped in our household to make it more managable. On a side note, the whole family is gluten free as a show of support and we all are feeling much better, energized and with no gut issues!