The prescribing doctor rates in the upper ranks of un-qualified professionals. You don't simply give someone Adderall after being told that strong stimulants, as so obviously implied, cause severe anxiety. Methylphenidate is NOT, post-metabolism, a "completely different drug". They yield their affects at different rates and trigger the brain a little differently but the fact is, they're both powerful drugs which DO cause increased activity throughout the entire body.
The correct initial discussion would have involved a full analysis of your diagnosis and even if that seemed alright, a low-ranking benzodiazepine should have given for emergencies. The "edginess" is a common side-affect the may last for months before tolerance and yet without even a single visit, the "doctor" doubled the dose. This was bound to cause panic and over all torture.
People being given highly addictive, anxiety provoking and over all risky drugs should be seen once a week for at least a month given your reaction report to ritalin. After that no dose increase should have occurred until the doctor knew you were a lot more comfortable with the first dose.
Throw me a bone here, who the ###### did you see? This was NOT best practice to say the least.