I did not write this my friend, wrote this for me as a way to use your mind to help heal your body, and rid the infection. Just wanted to share. This should not be a subsitiute for the regime your doctor and you are doing, but something that could speed up the process nd has helped me personally.
With Lyme disease it is important to understand the cause of the illness is a bacteria infection. If you are going to use mind power to kill it, you must visualize the bacteria at the site of the infection and will it away. Now keep this in mind, I am not telling you not to continue seeing a doctor about this, but it seems like it is not getting you anywhere. I can't get anywhere with the medical system, either. They are just a bunch of drug pushers for the pharmaceutical companies. Now on to the real deal.
The bacteria in question is not dieing from "normal" methods so you will use your subconscious mind to take care of it. The problem so many people have, though, is they want the end result too much. This causes a wall to go up within the subconscious mind. A brief explanation of this, if you will: The mind is split into two entities 1)the conscious mind and the unconscious (subconscious) 2) the subconsious mind directs everything in your body, from digestion to hair growth to nerve impulses, basically, whatever your body does withought thinking about it, thats your subconscious. It deals completely with the here and now (present...you have lyme disease), and in no way will conform to what the conscious mind wants(future...you want to be free of it). Your mind right now "thinks" this bacteria in your body is there to stay. The bacteria HAS manifested itself, you have the symptoms and physical manifestations of it. You see it every day. You feel it every day.
If you are going to use your mind to kill it, you must visualize the bacteria at the source of the infection, and then visualize your body killing it. There are a few ways to accomplish this, but this is the method I use to remove things like this. I have never had lyme disease, but I have had many other things happen to me physically and here is how I deal with it:
1) You must lower your brainwave state to one that is conducive to higher thought reception. What I mean is, a meditative state of mind, where your body is completely relaxed, and you are not bothered by outside noise or other distractions. The goal here is to fade away from the physical 3d world for a moment, into the relaxed, low brainwave state associated with the 4th dimension and higher. Ideally this is Theta brainwaves, but most people get there then fall asleep. Conscious theta state is difficult to achieve, and most people never achieve it. For your purposes, Alpha state is the best. If you don't know already (and I am in no way trying to insult your intelligence, just providing all the info I can to you) the best way to get to Alpha state is to get in a dark, quiet place, with no air blowing on your face or dogs barking or w/e, and just sit or lay down quietly, with eyes closed, and not think about anything in particular, but look at the inside of your eyelids and try to make out the colors you see. Concentrate on that, for a few minutes, until you are aware that your body is in an extremely relaxed state. Once your body has slipped into total relaxation, your brain is at the optimal Alpha state.
2) Once your are relaxed, I want you to visualize or see in your mind's eye (your imagination) the point on your body where the infection is. See it with your mind. Look at the little bacteria swimming around in there. If you need to, find a picture of the actual bacteria that is affecting you, and lock the image of it into your brain. You have to see it clearly. Don't hate it. It is just another life form doing the same thing we are, trying to live and reproduce.
3) After you have visualized the bacteria, then I want you to imagine fire inside of you, emanating from your solar-plexus area, or the mid torso, and radiating from there through your body to the point at which the infection has manifested itself. See the heat inside yourself, imagine the fire burning away the little organisms with radiant light/heat. You must visualize this until you actually feel the part of your body that is infected start to physically heat up. Once you really start to feel your body heat up, then imagine yourself walking up to a crystal clear pond or lake, and as you enter the water, imagine the disease and sickness melting away off your body and into the water, until the water is clouded and dirty with the toxins of these organisms. Then walk out of the water and thank God or the energies or w/e you believe in, or yourself for that matter, for the healing which you have just received. It is ok if you do not actually feel the heat right from the start. It may take a little while for you to be able to visualize what is happening, even a few sessions of this before it starts to feel like it. But rest assured, once you have practiced this enough, you WILL begin to feel the healing fire. It may take a week, or just a few days, or you may feel it right away. Just be patient with yourself. I know you want this to go away, but do not let your desire for health hold you back. You must act in your mind and belive in your heart that what you are visualizing is happening in the present, in the here and NOW. Remember what I said about the 2 entities of your mind? Your conscious mind desires the health, your subconscious has "dealt" with the fact that you have the disease. You must believe and act like it has already happened for your subconscious to accept the fact that you are changing reality.
4) Once you have completed the "ritual", go back to your everyday life, and live your life normally, with the full expectation that what you are doing is manifesting itself and changing your reality. You may or may not see results right away, in all reality you probably will not. It will take a little time for your subconscious mind to accept the order of healing from you. But if you do all this and fully expect and believe it is happening and working, IT WILL WORK. Do not get discouraged, even in times of great pain and discomfort. The race is won by those who persevere.
Do this as many times a day as your heart sees fit. Three times a day is the bare minimum to be able to start visualizing clearly on a regular basis.