My happy go lucky 7 year old son started having irrational fears of choking. The 1st episode started on Sept 1, then went away for a week, the 2nd was a week later and the 3rd on Sept 15. Since then he has not eaten any solid food. He is surviving on pudding, yogurt, ice cream, tomato soup, vanilla shakes and pediasure. About 3 weeks after this started, the pediatrician took a strep test (not because he was complaining of a sore throat, but because she said his tonsils looked enlarged) the rapid test was negative but the one from the lab came back positive. Besides the choking fear, his whole personality seemd to change overnight, he suddenly was freightened by everything, suddenly began having panic attacks and moderate to severe seperation anxiety. It was not until I googled anxiety and strep did I learn about the whole world of Pandas. He was put on 10 days of Amoxicillin. The anxiety seemed to get a lot better but the choking fear did not. I went back to his pedicatrician and asked her about Pandas. She actually chuckled and said it was not a real disease and that she would never feel comfortable giving abx long term. She diagnosed him with anxiety and wanted to give him an SSRI - claiming he just needed 'to get out of his head' I refused the medicine and said I wanted to look into physical reasons first. I then took him to an ENT to make sure it wasn't something physical. She said it could be GERD but that since he just finished getting over strep, she could not scope him for a few more weeks. I then took him to a feeding therapist. She brought up GERD and possibly EOE. She suggested I take him to a GI doctor. I then tried a new pediatrician and although she has heard of Pandas and believes it is a real thing, because he is not exhibiting any motor tics, she doesn't think this is what he has. She took bloodwork to check for celiac, lyme and did a basic CBC panel. All came back normal. She also said she wants him to see a GI doctor and thinks it could be EOE making his throat feel tight and that the anxiety came after because he really feels like he is choking. When he is distracted, he is happy, laughing, normal. He has been going to school although some days it is a struggle to get him there (this was a kid who always loved school and never gave me a problem) He plays on a soccer team and has plenty of friends. But when he is not busy, his mind starts wandering and he tells me he is scared. When I ask him 'scared of what' he says 'choking'. I did make an appt with Dr B but it is not until a few more weeks. My questions are - can a child be diagnosed with Pandas in the absence of tics? Does this sound like Pandas? For those that have seen pandas first hand, did the symptoms fade with your child was busy and distracted? How can I tell if this is plain old anxiety?