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  1. Hello, dee45 and welcome to the forum <-- Friendly hello
  2. Yes, but would that be chlorine in all forms or in its elemental form?
  3. Well, not exactly just MMS, but what it makes with the activator. MMS (miracle mineral supplement) = sodium chlorite (NOT sodium chlorate) If mixed with the activator (I think it's citric acid) it makes chlorine dioxide of which you take a tiny amound with water or juice. Chlorine dioxide is also used as a water purifier.
  4. I had an idea that everyone could contribute what they know to an easy-to-use reference in the form of a wiki. I've put together the bare bones of it with some basic articles just to give an idea of what it might be like. What do people think of the idea? Who would be willing to contribute? Main page: http://tourette.wikia.com/wiki/Tourette_Plus%2C_Naturally List of articles added so far: http://tourette.wikia.com/wiki/Special:AllPages
  5. As some of you know about two months (or more?) ago I underwent general anaesthetic to have an operation. Now I know the anaesthetics are supposed to be safe and have no effects, but I'm worried because I've experienced more rage-like feelings and behaviour in the last couple of months that I had for several years before. I finally thought I was pretty much rage-free and now I'm worried and really upset because it's come back. For several days a couple of weeks ago I would get SO angry at myself and other things just because, say, I dropped something (which is another thing that seems to have worsened since the operation - I keep dropping things. It's so frustrating). I'll kick or punch an object or pull in about or whatever (NEVER a person though - I have enough control). I have enough control to never damage anything badly, but I've made a few minor damages. I thought I was rid of it but now it's come back today. I'm so worried and upset. I HATE this feeling. I even get angry because I'm angry and it just gets worse. I also hate the fact that it annoys my family. It's embarassing. The only thing I suppose is good is that I haven't returned to my full blown attacks like when I was little. It's so upsetting :( :( :(
  6. I've had to stop the supplements while recovering from an operation (abdominal abscess), so no progress I'm afraid.
  7. I hope I'm posting this in the right section. Anyway, about six weeks ago I had an operation to remove an abdominal abscess and have been making slow progress. Anyway, I'm having mild problems with my speech (occasionally slightly slurred and with mild stuttering) and ability to think of the right words. I also feel I may be ticcing slightly more than before, although it may be a waxing phase. Can any of this be to do with anaesthetic? Has anyone else had problems after anaesthesia?
  8. I was just wondering - do you/your children have more moles than most people? I have loads all over my body. I heard somewhere that they might be connected with yeast infection.
  9. What are people's thoughts on the theory? Does it help explain anything? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJXpeLj76Jc I hope it's okay to post this here.
  10. My neck is odd - it's wonky slightly to the right lol
  11. The only immunisation I have ever had is tetanus: once as a baby and once in, I think 2000. Maybe that's why mine are mild, if they have affected/caused my tics.
  12. I'm guilty of talking loudly too I'm afraid!
  13. If you think about it, a vocal tic is still caused by a movement.
  14. I feel that: tic = response to a sensation compulsion = response to a thought
  15. Has anyone tried using clay for chelation? Just wondering.
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