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  1. How old is you son?
  2. http://mdc.mbi.ufl.edu/murphy.htm she replied to us this week, happy to help my 13 yr old son sarina
  3. my son is 13, he developed normally, then at 11 when he changed to secondary school he regressed overnight, baby talk, no concentration, funny walks, aggression. They think he has pandas, but there is also a possibility it could have been the stress of moveing to a big school.combination of the both really. He has severe seperation anxiety, has lost all his math skill and is a very unhappy boy as he cant do what he used to do. Sarina
  4. hi, sorry yes i did mean a tic movement, sorry all my posts are always typed in a hurry with a 2 yr old distracting me!!!! He had a course of antibiotics when he first had a sore throat, after 2 weeks his bahaviour and personality changed, we took him to the hospital where they did blood and then sent us on our way, josh regressed further, had temporary vision loss, we rushed him back to the hospital, this was 4 weeks after the initial hospital visit. it was only then that they told us he blood tests showed high level strep infection it was over 5000 in is blood! They hadnt bothered to call us and tell us to start more antibiotics. They gave him another course, and sent us on our way again. Josh has never had tics before his illness, and too be honest hasnt had much after, just this episode 3 weeks ago. He had a little in his head when he was first diagnosed in oct 2006. After a year of keeping on for long term antibiotics and being refused, we have now been told by 3 neurologists that it would be a good idea!!! He started a 10day course last thursday 250mg 4 times a day then will reduce back to twice a day long term. Hope this helps sarina
  5. hi, We arent sure whether it is his medication that caused the seizure or not, he had a tic in his left shoulder at the same time it happened. His mouth drooped down to one side after and left him with slurred speech. I havent a clue what they are testing him for, he has had an heart echo, chest xray, eeg, ecg, emg, ssep, bloods, 24 hour urine, and now awaiting a lumbar puncture. Im sure that it is still just pandas, we have stopped giving him the risperidone to see if if the additional symptoms are side effects. Usually manage 3 days without and then he starts to get agitated and tearful. Thankyou for all your replies. Don't stop, im sure there is someone that has found something that has worked! sarina
  6. Thankyou so much for your reply. My son is now 13 yrs old, 16 months of trying to find someone that can help him. Many thanks for the link I will email her asap and let you know the outcome. Thankyou! sarina
  7. Hi, My son had a strep infection sept 2006. He woke up a changed boy. He was jumping around like a 2 yr old, severly regressed, high anxiety, paranoia, aggression, strange walk, emotional ups and downs, piano playing hands,loss of maths skills and cognitive functioning. In the 16 months of pandas, he has never returned to being our son we knew. He has periods of normality, periods where he comes back to haunt us.The rest of the time he is a different child. He has dips and waves, he gets more stable, then something happens again and he ends up like he is today. he had some type of vacant seizure last week, which has left him with left sided weakness and a tremor. Now this could be due to his medication risperidone, to calm him down. But he is having extensive tests done to rule out any other condition. He has been out of school for over a year, seperation anxiety and concentration problems stop him from learning in a conventional way. Is there anyone that you can recommend that may be able to help him. I have tried emailed dr swedo but no reply. I have emailed her again over the weekend, and some of her associates in the hope I may be able to get some help. It is very difficult in the uk as hardly anyone knows what pandas is. Hope someone may be able to help! look forward to hearing from you.
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