My son had a strep infection sept 2006. He woke up a changed boy. He was jumping around like a 2 yr old, severly regressed, high anxiety, paranoia, aggression, strange walk, emotional ups and downs, piano playing hands,loss of maths skills and cognitive functioning. In the 16 months of pandas, he has never returned to being our son we knew. He has periods of normality, periods where he comes back to haunt us.The rest of the time he is a different child. He has dips and waves, he gets more stable, then something happens again and he ends up like he is today. he had some type of vacant seizure last week, which has left him with left sided weakness and a tremor. Now this could be due to his medication risperidone, to calm him down. But he is having extensive tests done to rule out any other condition.
He has been out of school for over a year, seperation anxiety and concentration problems stop him from learning in a conventional way.
Is there anyone that you can recommend that may be able to help him. I have tried emailed dr swedo but no reply. I have emailed her again over the weekend, and some of her associates in the hope I may be able to get some help.
It is very difficult in the uk as hardly anyone knows what pandas is.
Hope someone may be able to help!
look forward to hearing from you.