Powpow thanks for the info. I feel so alone in this all the time. My daughter has been sick since May of 2012 so it will be two years this May. Her first IVIG was last January she got better in about 8 weeks then relapsed in September. The relapse was way worse than the initial onset. The first time she was able to stay in school. This time she has been out of school since the end of September. She just turned 9 when it started. Her biggest problem is extreme anxiety, fear of people throwing up. With her initial onset she also had severe anorexia. This relapse no anorexia , probably because she is home? Not sure. There are other symptoms (frequent urination) but the anxiety is keeping her out of school, really keeping her from leaving the house. When the pandas symptoms are gone she in a completely different child. Trying to stay positive and patient but as I am sure you know it is very hard. Are your kids ok now? How long were they sick before they got PEX treatments? Did you try medications like Prozac along with the other treatments?