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ktdommer last won the day on January 9 2015

ktdommer had the most liked content!

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About Me

I am a reading specialist and feel fortunate to be able to work with chronic Lyme. Have to work now as I carry the insurance that covers so much of our expensive treatment. My husband has been able to work from home and care for our youngest. I gave both of my boys Lyme and coinfections unknowingly. Everything changed on April 22nd 2010 when my youngest crashed and no one seemed to be able to help. At that point I had been diagnosed with lupus. What a ride it has been since then. Now I deal with a mentally ill, chronically sick 18 year old who can't work, can't learn, doesn't want to be sick and on so much medicine. He is depressed and increasingly difficult. He had his first IVIG 3/28/14 one month after being diagnosed with PANS. We are hopeful that things will improve.

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