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  1. Hi, yes, it does work as a TENS machine but prior to starting the treatment each time SCENAR gets a reading from your body, then based on that biofeedback reading the physio decides which areas need treatment (the areas with the highest readings). And you are right it also monitors skin resistance. I haven't tried it with my daughter just yet as I would like to gather some evidence that this works prior to having her try it. I will post on the forum however if she does try it.
  2. Hi Bev, Chemar, I have used Scenar myself and so has my husband to treat mainly back pain and knee pain and it has helped enormously. As my daughter (diagnosed with TS 3/12 years ago) has now lots of eye ticks again, I was reading an article on TS, eye tics and biofeedback. This is what Scenar is, it's all about biofeedback. So I started thinking that perhaps my daughter should try it. Bev, did your son ever try it in the end? Chemar, have you heard anyone else, apart from Dr. Irina seeing improvements? Like you, I don't believe in 100% cure for TS! Many thanks to both
  3. Hi, My daughter was diagnosed with TS 3 years ago. Even in periods where she has no other tics otherwise, she will tic in front of the TV or iPad or even mobile phone. We did a self-test for scotopsy (IRLEN syndrome) which showed that she has photo-sensitivity and we are now waiting for an appointment with a specialist. It might be that your son has photo-sensitivity and not necessarily TS if he never has any other tics. It's funny you mentioned Minecraft because on the contrary, this is the one game on the iPad that really sets off my daughter. She tics a lot when playing it and I think it has to do with rapid image movement. If bright lights and fluorescent lights or the sun or neon lights bother him as well, it's worth you checking out IRLEN syndrome
  4. Hi, I had my daughter tested for allergies, not food intolerances, and they all came out negative! yet I can see the effect that milk, yoghurt, chocolate have on her ticks so I eliminated them. What are the differences between a food intolerance and a food allergy test? She had a test where her skin was pricked with 10 different types of food and waited 15 minutes to see an allergic reaction. What is a food intolerance test? How different is it? Thank you
  5. My daughter was diagnosed with TS when she was 7 and she has motor and vocal tics sometimes milder some times very noticeable. Over the past 3 years (she is 10 now) we found some food triggers (junk food, corn syrup, red dye, milk/dairy she is also allergic to dust mites) and have eliminated those from her diet. Her tics wax and wane and there are so many triggers we suspect or discover. Her allergy tests all came negative (!!!! I really felt like I was back to square one) apart from dust mites and feathers yet I can see she has sensitivities to dairy and any scented products. I noticed that she tics a lot more when she is out in the sun and of course when she watches any screen, computer, mobile phone, tablet. Even when she is going through a phase when tics are very mild if she watches TV or plays on the iPad or goes out in the sun - mainly during the summer months, she tics a lot more. It also happens with different types of lights e.g. neon lights from shops, siren lights and of course arcade and cinemas are a big trigger. Is there anyone else that has very increased ticks when exposed to lights/sunlight/TV etc? Are there any photo-sensitivity tests that she can take? Does any one know if the green-tinted glasses help? It seems that these are triggers that are quite seperate from food triggers. Also, lately she started doing eye tics when reading books, same as when watching TV which is scary with school starting soon. Any help on that? Thank you so much
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