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Everything posted by mom2Samuel

  1. I forgot to say my son is terribly thin and has no visable muscle especially on his arms. He cannot seem to put on weight. I want to curl into a ball and hide from this. Lori
  2. Hello! I am fairly new to this forum and I need some help. I am at a loss right now and can only seem to cry. My son started a throat clearing tic two weeks after we moved into our new house last September. This was a new construction home. Sometimes present was bealching which seemed at the time to me like bad stomach problems. Soon after I began homeschooling his first grade year and noticed his focus was horrible and almost seem dyslexic at times with a lot of backward letter and number writting. In early December with the throat clearing tic still there he stared the eye blinking tic which was really bad for a couple of weeks. I didnt really know about tics and took him to the eye doctor thinking he needed glasses or was really affected by the low humidity in our home. I was wrong and started reading about tics. At the time I gave him cal/mag and a vit b complex supplement thinking it could only help. The blinking pretty much went away and then the nose twitch started here and there along with the occasional eye bink but always the throat clearing one. In early June my son was outside in the heat and for the first time I saw a adominal tic just twice then it went away. In July I decided to get some tests done with an envriomental doctor in Topton, PA Dr. Maulfair. I wanted to see what was going on here. His tics were not too bad but I really wanted to get some answers before they would come back with a vengence. The tics would come and go with the throat clearing always staying though. We got the tests done and he has many delayed food sensitivites. Worse on the lists is peanuts, pinto beans, pineapples and soy. Funny he was on soy formula as a baby before I new how bad it is for you. Also his metals are really bad. Asenic is really high, as is Silver, and Titanium. We are still real confused about the arsenic as we have city water. We are currently waiting on a water test. Also he has too much bad bacteria in his gut and suspected yeast overgrowth though the tests did not indicate this. We were told sometimes the tests come back neg and the yeast is still present. He was on antibiotics too much as a baby and toddler with ear infections and strange high fevers. We were also told he has leaky gut syndrome as a result. My son was put on Nystatin along with a good probiotic to help replace the good bacteria. Here is where things really went bad. A week after he started the Nystatin he started with horrible adomininal tics. Like I said I saw this only twice before a couple of months ago. He has them for over two weeks now and they last all day long with no let up! He does this approx 11 times per min all day long!!! I called the doctor about this and he said to stop the Nystantin for a few days and call in Monday morning. He thought the yeast might be dying off too quickly causing him to appear worse. I was so hopeful that a day or two after stopping the Nystatin things would get better but they are so much worse!!!! He has been off the Nystatin for 5 days now. I am so heartbroken for him. I cant bear to see him go through this. I keep praying they stop. I have been following his new diet for three weeks now to the "T". I have been giving him cal/ Mag, and good Dr. recommended liquid multi vit, cod liver oil, flax oil, and evening primrose oil to help repair the gut. I am at a total loss. He is so much worse. His poor belly is so hard and the tics just dont stop. Any advice? Monday morning cant be here soon enough so I can call the doctor. My little boy was tic free until we moved to a new home. Could this be a conection? Thanks so much for listening. Any ideas would be so appreiciated. Blessings, Lori
  3. Hi Pam, I am new here and this is my first post. I noticed you mentioned taking your son to Dr. Maulfair in Topton, PA. I found him on the enviromental Medicine listing and he was the closest one to our home. I was planning on was calling him in the morning for help with my son's tics that started in October after we moved into a new home. Are you still using him? Was he a help with your son? Our insurance will not cover much of this visit with him so this can be expensive for us though I am in need of answers. If you dont mind can you please share your experience at his practice? Thanks so much in advance. Blessings to you and your son's health! Sincerely, Lori
  4. Good morning Owen's Mom & welcome to this wonderful forum. Bonnie's supplements: Our son, who is 5, started having tics this past December. We started him on the vitamin regime immediately & within 2 weeks had him on the full doseage of 11 vitamins & 4 fish oils w/MagTaurette. My husband takes them as well & as a result, the boys eagerly do what Dad does, so taking the vitamins has been more of a game & a passage to manhood than a bothersome task. Helps!! Food: On Bonnie's site, she decribed certain foods, preservatives & food dies that are tic triggers. Over the past 4 months we have elimainated them ALL & have been giving our son a probiotic enzyme & organic yogurt to help w/abosorption. Results: His eye, mouth, hand, nose & arm tics are down 93%. His behavior was & is so much better too. He was shy socially, irratible, & moody. Now, aside from fighting colds & allergies, he is more attentive & willingly to participate in group activities. We have had a cycle of every 3 weeks a bronchial infection sweeping through our 2 sons. As a result of this, we have not been able to observe them completely healthy, but, the tics are down considerably & we are hopeful that this is a clear sign of us being on the right track. These bronchial/sinus promblems started in December too. Doctor: We have found an Enviromental M.D. - Dr. Conrad Maulfair who has run several tests on our son. 90 food panel for allergies, blood count & tests for toxic metals & minerals count, hair analysis for mineral count, stool analysis for G.I. health & yeast activitiy. What we have found to be ailing our son so far is an absorbtion problem in his G.I. tract & this has weakened his immune system. This has compromised his overall health. We have posted our test results so far & you are welcome to check them out. Hang in there. It is tough & maddening at times with such little understanding in the medical community & within the schools/family. Diet is HUGE in this battle & getting your child's immune healthy is a large contributor in your child's overall health. With kind regards, Pam
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