Good morning Owen's Mom & welcome to this wonderful forum.
Bonnie's supplements: Our son, who is 5, started having tics this past December. We started him on the vitamin regime immediately & within 2 weeks had him on the full doseage of 11 vitamins & 4 fish oils w/MagTaurette. My husband takes them as well & as a result, the boys eagerly do what Dad does, so taking the vitamins has been more of a game & a passage to manhood than a bothersome task. Helps!!
Food: On Bonnie's site, she decribed certain foods, preservatives & food dies that are tic triggers. Over the past 4 months we have elimainated them ALL & have been giving our son a probiotic enzyme & organic yogurt to help w/abosorption.
Results: His eye, mouth, hand, nose & arm tics are down 93%. His behavior was & is so much better too. He was shy socially, irratible, & moody. Now, aside from fighting colds & allergies, he is more attentive & willingly to participate in group activities. We have had a cycle of every 3 weeks a bronchial infection sweeping through our 2 sons. As a result of this, we have not been able to observe them completely healthy, but, the tics are down considerably & we are hopeful that this is a clear sign of us being on the right track. These bronchial/sinus promblems started in December too.
Doctor: We have found an Enviromental M.D. - Dr. Conrad Maulfair who has run several tests on our son. 90 food panel for allergies, blood count & tests for toxic metals & minerals count, hair analysis for mineral count, stool analysis for G.I. health & yeast activitiy.
What we have found to be ailing our son so far is an absorbtion problem in his G.I. tract & this has weakened his immune system. This has compromised his overall health. We have posted our test results so far & you are welcome to check them out.
Hang in there. It is tough & maddening at times with such little understanding in the medical community & within the schools/family. Diet is HUGE in this battle & getting your child's immune healthy is a large contributor in your child's overall health.
With kind regards, Pam