Hi there, I have just found this site, I am in the UK and my 5 year old has just started suffering from Tics in the last 3-4 weeks, first he had a head tossing tic which once the school holidays started seemed to subside, now he has an eye rolling tic. I have read all sorts of things about magnesium and emailed a paediatrician I know and asked if it was OK to go ahead and try my little boy on a magnesium supplement. I found the Natural Calm product on the internet, but it's not available in the UK only to ship from the USA although that looked like it would be good to start with for a child. I then found a product available here called calma c - this has Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin C in a drink. I have started my little boy on that for the last few days and a multivitiman and mineral supplment, and have noticed an improvment - I am holding my breath as know these things come and go. But am hoping the supplements are really helping. Is there anyone else in the UK who can recomend a good supplement although I can get the Calma C drink down him by mixing it with OJ and honey, I wondered if there was anything else anyone had come accross here?? that htey had tried. Although My GP said she had never heard of supplements helping the private paediatrician I emailed did say they gave Magnesium to children and it was fine. I have heard some things about the calcium stopping the Magnesium working so well and other things about how calcium with it is good, so a bit confused?! All advice gratefully recieved! Many thanks to you all, all your posts help keep me calm!