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  1. Hi I also find this interesting as in the UK we don't even have 'strep' throat as a recgonised thing, they just talk very generally about throat infections and, if it doesn't clear up and gets very infected and there is fever then they give you antibiotics, I am interested as my son but several years ago now had such a bad sore throat he had blisters all over his throat and had antibiotics, but they never use the term 'strep throat' here. It makes me wonder about it all, particularly when his tics onset at starting full time school and with it all the bugs and infections. He has had plenty of sore throats since starting 'big' school, I think it's something I should talk to my doctor about but I fear I wont' get very far with it. I am sorry to sound so ignorant but if you had a very bad 'strep' infection years before could that be the onset of something even years later if the 'strep' isn't totally cleared up by the antibiotics? Many thanks, Kitty
  2. Hello everyone I posted a while back about supplements that I could maybe get in the UK and you all advised me about how I could get Kids Calm shipped, I did and have just started it, luckily my son likes it compared to all the ohter drinks I tried here, although do add juice and honey! So far I do think there has been some improvement, he does still have some eye tics and mouth tics - but I think they are less frequet mostly also as some others have said particularly when watching TV but the head shaking one has gone for now. BAck to school next week after hte holidays and I am anxious to see how the new stress affects him as his tics did reduce once the holiday's started. I am trying to improve his diet, but it is hard as someone else said if he goes to a birhtday party and he eats at school to really be clear what is effecting him and not, I sometimes think it is wheat but not sure. Will see how he goes when he goes back to school and eating school lunches again if there is a big difference. I am hopeful the kids calm will continue to help. THanks so much to you all for advising me on it over here. I ordered 3 tubs which each last 2 months so even if I need to ship twice a year it's not too much to pay! Thanks again, Kitty
  3. Hi there, I have been posting asking about kid's calm etc.. which is not available here in the UK but have now ordered some to be shipped from the US. In the meantime I have been using a product here, which my son will kind of drink with a lot of oj and honey in it, but also tried crushing up a regular magnesium tablet into juice. For those of you who use regular magnesium supplements rather than the calm products - I think Chemar you mentioned your son preferes his regular supplement, which sort of magnesium do you use??? I found Magnesium Citrate pills in my local health food shop, but I had heard that they have MORE of a laxitive effect, although they dissolve very easily in juice and were easy to get into my son. There also seems to be Magnesium gluconate, Magnesium lactate etc.etc.. all different types - I have no idea if one is better than the rest so curious to know which you use on your son and what quantity you give. I was cutting up a 100mg pill and putting 50g of Magnesium citrate in juice at a time, one day when I increased it and put in the full 100mg, my little boy did get an upset tummy. Any advice on the regular supplements? Many thanks! Kitty
  4. thans so much irena, I will keep those sites to look at, i have ordered some natural calm from the US and will see what duty etc. happens, with the exchange rate it's not so bad hopefully. What have you got your kiddie on at the moment??
  5. hi there, I just posted a question about supplements in the UK as can't get Natural Calm there and someone very kindly posted this link http://www.outletnutrition.com/183405000056.html which is the kids calm, which I have just ordered to be shipped from the US think that's probably worth trying first off they suggest you start at half a teaspoon and work up depending, here's keeping fingers crossed for us all! Kitty
  6. Thank you all for your tips! I have bitten the bullet and ordered some natural calm to be shipped to me in the UK (the shipping is 5 times as much as it costs) but worth it as I am sure you will all agree for my peace of mind if nothing else! can anyone tell me what dose they started on, did they do the quarter teaspoon first and then build up?? I have a feeling the multi vits I am giving too are somehow not working as yesterday things seemed so much better and he just had the calcium, Magnesium, vit C drink and didn't have the multi, today he had the multi which are like the gummy chewy ones you have there but do have some magnesium in which is unusual, but not so good today...I have scanned the label for any additives there seem to be none, is anyone JUST giving natural calm and nothing else? plus I am trying to cut sugar and junk and more organic veg?? thanks to you all, such a relief to find people to talk to! Kitty
  7. Thanks so much, it definitly seems the best way to go! The supplement I found here which was in granuale form and could be makde into a drink - my son won't take pills as he is too little, has 120mg Calcium and 90mg of Magnesium, plus 78mg Vit C and 1.25 Vit D. Does that sound like a suitable mix? I am also trying to steer away from things with additives, less sugar, more organic fruit and veg etc.. Kitty
  8. Hi there, I have just found this site, I am in the UK and my 5 year old has just started suffering from Tics in the last 3-4 weeks, first he had a head tossing tic which once the school holidays started seemed to subside, now he has an eye rolling tic. I have read all sorts of things about magnesium and emailed a paediatrician I know and asked if it was OK to go ahead and try my little boy on a magnesium supplement. I found the Natural Calm product on the internet, but it's not available in the UK only to ship from the USA although that looked like it would be good to start with for a child. I then found a product available here called calma c - this has Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin C in a drink. I have started my little boy on that for the last few days and a multivitiman and mineral supplment, and have noticed an improvment - I am holding my breath as know these things come and go. But am hoping the supplements are really helping. Is there anyone else in the UK who can recomend a good supplement although I can get the Calma C drink down him by mixing it with OJ and honey, I wondered if there was anything else anyone had come accross here?? that htey had tried. Although My GP said she had never heard of supplements helping the private paediatrician I emailed did say they gave Magnesium to children and it was fine. I have heard some things about the calcium stopping the Magnesium working so well and other things about how calcium with it is good, so a bit confused?! All advice gratefully recieved! Many thanks to you all, all your posts help keep me calm!
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