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ECT for AE/PANS/catatonia/ocd/violence
anonymous0121 posted a topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
has anyone done ECT? -
I live in northern california but i think I have exhausted all the california doctors, my son is 16 and severe off the cliff decline for past 3 years, he is catatonic, psychotic, ocd, ticd, anxiety, fears, on and on, and the rages dangerous. Everyone has given up on him and I am desperate for help... pm me please any recommendations.
help, anyone know where to get plasmapheresis/therapeutic apheresis on west coast, my son has been in severe flair for three years, past year has been life threatening for him and us, he is in critical condition and three dr's have rec plasmaphersis but cant find a dr that can order it and where. Stanford wont help. all I know of is dr L and dr B on east coast... anyone know?
Treating bartonella help
anonymous0121 replied to anonymous0121's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Hi rowing mom, I sent you a private reply...hope you can respond. Have been doingmtonmof detox, I put DE with bentonite clay one night, then zeolite another, then charcoal another etc. wish I could do more than once a day but so hard with all the other stuff. Jap knotweed low dose has def calmed down the violence and psychosis some, just at a big drop three times a day in pomogranite. Julie wants to keep titrating up in it, so anxious to get rid of the myco and Bart but she wants to get brain and CNS inflammation down, I agree. Has given me a half dozen herbs to calm nervous system or seizures and resultant rages, Catonia, but nothing for the god aweful muscle movements, complex tics, severe jerking all over just had husband bring home another virus and he is a wreck again all symptoms really bad, she told me to start hyttonnia for virul, but slow. . -
My son has had nonstop painful debilitating muscle contractions in limbs head etc since husband brought home illness 11 weeks ago, he gets bad nervous system side effects from antivirusl. He is screaming in pain and has violent contortions of head, neck limbs. Can't sleep either is awake until like 3am. He is begging to be taken out of his body. Doctors have been no help. Any ideas?
My son is 15, 2 year flair and nothing working. He has bartonella, Lyme and high IgG to almost everything ESP viruses. The psychiatric symptoms and rage and OCD and violence and ESP autonomic crisis episodes have been unbearable. Llmd keeps not wanting to treat Lyme, and another only does antibiotics which make him homocidal violent and we can't live through it. His muscles are contracting violently non stop, screaming in pain and can't find anyone that seems to want to spend more than 5 min figuring it out. Has anyone treated Bart and Lyme and myco etc with Buhner protocol, please let me know what helped...
She wouldn't treat my son..
What dosages of steroids and what kind have you found helpful. Seems like a good dose to bring down inflammation well and chill the immune response but not suppress too much would help. Two year scary violent, OCD, tics, fears flair not responding to anything, then I recently tried 800 mg ibuprophan and violence gone within 10 hours, amazing. But feathering on edge, every time we have tried to kill any pathogens he would just get more scary violent. Then my husband brought home cold virus and my son went homacidal, biting himself and us, self abuse bad etc. can't tolerate phenol herbs last few years, so thinking time to try steroids but last time we did 21 day taper starting at 20 mg he was so shaking and jittery feeling from that high dose then he caught a bad cold for six weeks, but that was first time he got cold symptoms in years, 2007 had a virus of some sort, got meningitis and hasn't had fever or cold symptoms since. It might have been myco in 2007 said Stanford immun, his igg is still very high. So what dosage and type of steroid and for how long has worked well.
Has anyone found plasmapheresis on the west coast. My son has been suffering severely for past two years with bad flair and lex has been mentioned by llmd and two neurologists but don't know where to get it.
Help! Will PEX help or hurt with Lyme?
anonymous0121 replied to searching_for_help's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Dr klinghart s has written a paper on how it helps Lyme, there is a clinic that uses it for Lyme patients in Germany and a small clinic here in northern Cali that just started treating adults with Lyme, yes it is actually approved for babesia treatment. Where are you getting it and who ordered it, we have been trying to find it for my son who is suffering badly... -
Has anyone found a doctor to order plasmapheresis Nd location to provide it in California or west coast, my neurologist thinks it might be next step but hasn't worked very hard to find a doc to order and facility to do it Deborah
Thanks that was a great video to watch That is the doc we are seeing Friday... We have treated on and off Lyme and coinfections since 2005... Same with parasites, not getting anywhere but worse. Since 2007 we both had a bad virus and since it has been downhill and no fevers or regular responses to virus, flu, cold. I want to rule out autoimmune so hoping Stanford will help, none of the Lyme or integrative docs or pandas pans docs I have consulted with have done this. The fact that the two times we did steroid burst we got sick with real cold symptoms but haven't any other time. Makes me wonder about autoimmune and why we can't kick the parasites, yeast, Lyme etc....
maryyaw, antibiotics make his rages worse, mess up his gut and neurotransmitters more and fungal overgrowth and hard on adrenals/liver, make matters worse for him. we have done pred taper two times and both times he got so sick with a virus it lasted 6 weeks, he has common variable immune disorder and I really think autoimmune something, hoping Stanford will test for all autoimmune whatever... omega 3, vit D, a etc make him or agitated, I did a lot of research and I think they raise dopamine, he has high dopamine sensitivity and docs say high crazy catecholamine surges. ibuprophen and benedryl for so many years where our go to for flairs but do not help anymore, benedryl actually makes the rages more violent too. it is just so scarry. we need a miracle.
hi all seasoned parents, we finally have an apt with Stanford PANS clinic after 8 month wait next week. Wondering if anyone that has gone there can share good or bad stories with me. My son has been in severe flair for almost two years now. The violent episodes happen almost hourly on the dot, tics severe, OCD, anxiety, panic attacks etc.... I have been to almost every westcoast and eastcoast doc out there in the last 10 years. some treatments help short tem but always falls back. we have lyme too and he has been through multitudes of lyme and coinfection treatments too. Nothing is helping, he continues to spiral downhill and we just cant live like this another day. wondering how long the apt is at Stanford, what to expect, trying to not get my hopes up but praying they will atleast investigate autoimmune piece since no docs have done much in that area. he did IVIG last nov, did one LD, 2 HD and each time he got more psychotic and tics insane, was horrible. no one can tell me why it made him so much worse.. antifungal treatments use to help but nothing is helping now, he has white tongue and roof of mouth and seems to be resistant to everything, anyone have any big antifungal treatments that have helped? so have tried to call Stanford for weeks to get them the huge amnt of paperwork they wanted us to fill out, and also find out how long the apt is etc, but not getting a return call. if anyone wants to share their experience with me I would so much appreciate it... deborah
hi all, my son just got his 3rd HD IVIG and he has gotten worse and worse over the past three months, it is just unbearable, tics have become so severe and non stop, rages more violent and OCD/fears worse.... was hoping the IVIG was going to turn around the PANS and get his immune system working right, he has CVID and low igM. He has chronic lyme and bart and just found out roundworm, blastocycstis (protozoa) and major yeast going on and chronic chlostridia and reoccurring other infections in the gut along with I think major yeast overgrowth and virus's.... been treating all these for so many years I have lost track ..... any recommendations, I cant stop crying I am so heartbroken for him. psych meds have just made things worse too. I don't know whether to continue with the IVIG or not. deborah
hi, I was reading your post about cellcept, does your child just have strep or other chronic infections? my son has done 3 HD IVIG's and is getting much worse, severe tics/muscle spasms/jerking/barking noises, rages non stop and severe hyperkinetic activity and is miserable. steroids made him worse too, but I know he has autoimmune issues along with immune disorder low IGG/IgA/IgM etc... where did you get the PEX? we live in California and I cant find anyone that seems to help would love to hear more on your experiences, my son has been homebound and miserable bad for last year, but also last three years the worst, he is 13. thank you
IVIG made symptoms worse…will PEX help?
anonymous0121 replied to KLJ's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
my 13 year old son with ASD/lyme/PANS/tourettes/tics/severe severe rages is getting worse with IVIG also. we just finished third HD IVIG and I have to say the last three months have been the worst for him, it is heartbreaking and we don't know what to do either. He is absolutely miserable in pain, wondering if it is causing a immune suppression and making the chronic infections make his dysautonomia worse , was hoping it would turn around the autoimmune issue (may have cause he actually got cold symptoms a few weeks ago when my husband brought home a cold virus, he hasn't had fever or cold symptoms since 2007)... -
wow, your describing my 13 year old son. these last three years have been some dark years, with the last 10 months so scarry I am afraid to be alone with my son. the rages happen every three hours now, sometimes they are so long they just run into each other with continuous exhorcist rages attacking me with kill in his eyes, so out of control it scares him to death also. he has punched me in the head, kicked me in the chest beat me so hard I am covered in bruises, not to mention the beating himself so bad it is scarry. the episodes come on with him going OCD too, then he has a huge panic and tells me a rage is coming, he says his legs hurt, stomach nauseous and he turns beet red all over with overheating and freezing cold hands and feet, this is also described in a book I got called help for the violently aggressive child, where the author calls it beta and alpha rage, adrenergic crisis, adrenaline overreactivity. we are about to try some alpha blockers while we are waiting for our HD IVIG, would love to hear more about your experience with the IVIG and the rages and other symptoms and what dose you used.... I am scared to death this isn't going to help and then what... we have driven to emergency room so many times I lost count but I chickened out and drove home.
IVIG - really worth it?
anonymous0121 replied to searching_for_help's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
my son has citrobacter 4+ on great plains and nothing is getting rid of it and I am wondering if it is responsible for this 10 month flair that has us in the darkest days ever, the tics, ocd and severe violent rages non stop are unbearable and I don't know what to do else, what have you found to help, we did colloidal silver and it seemed to get rid of the strep, staph and some others but not the citro... deborah -
anyone know of any research on IVIG dosages for PANS/autoimmune?
Has anyones child experienced severe adrenaline overload/surges. My son is jacked on adrenaline 24x7 with severe surges about every three hours, he turns beet red, heart goes crazy/pulse super fast, blood pressure up, headache, sweating hands/feet and it can spike into panic attack and rage and he just cries miserably. Trying to find a doctor to rule out pheocromacytoma/adrenal tumor or I read this can happen with infections and also he is on prednisolone for adrenal insuff and it can turn off the adrenals and cause constant adrenaline surges, anyone know of a good endo or alt doctor in California... it is so severe that he literally cant stop moving and runs like a lunatic from one end of the house to the other day and night. cant sleep/function at all. deborah
Hi all, my son finally got IVIG (40 G so just over 800 mg/kg) a few weeks ago and his tics are way worse. I know it has been a rough full moon too so that might be it but it is so aweful for him, he has had explosive barking/girgling noises for 10 months now and they get worse with the moon but now it is pretty much non stop... immunologist approve to go up to 45 G but he doesn't have knowledge of the HD or PANS. Anyone know where I can find the presentation materials from the last conference and some research. The tics are stressing him so bad his rages are worse too, he is miserable. anyone have suggestions on what infections to test and treat for for these tics? deborah
did you ever find out if this would happen or did? I was warned about the same thing from our PANDAS doc...