Hello all. I am new to all of this. My 7 YO son was just diagnosed with PANDAS.Here's our story in a nutshell... He had mild social anxiety and obsessive thoughts but functioned very well and never needed any help of any kind. He was always a bit fidgety in class but never scored positive on the Vanderbuilt ADHD test. Somewhere in December he changed drastically to the point that we barely recognized him. He began having massive panic attacks, irrational fears (gum, diarrhea, vomit, feathers, and startling noises or movements) He started using baby talk at home, becoming highly irritable, angry, hostile and at times combative. He has to smell and chew on everything, particularly things that smell or taste bad. I could go on and on. Our PCP tried him on Prozac 10 mg. To say that it was a disaster would be an understatement. All of his behaviors became exascerbated and he was highly agitated. I was urged to hang on for 5 weeks to let the full dose settle in. At 5 weeks he became suicidal. Thats when the psychiatrist figured out he had PANDAS.
As we put the pieces of the puzzle together we remembered (reminded by our PCP) that our son had 5 days of high fevers during Christmas break, no sore throat or other symtoms. He tested positive for strep. and has never been the same since. However, these behaviors started a few weeks before the fever. We have no idea if he could have had strep all that time. As we suspected the diagnosis, we got his throat swabbed and sure enough, positive. He had been complaining of a mild sore throat every morning for months but never complained again. Come to think of it, I put cough drops in his Easter basket...We now realize that our 3 year old daughter had the same exact thing. Her symptoms resolved around the time our sons began. She took 5 days of Zithromax. At the time she was being treated by a psychiatrist, psychologist and occupational therapy. They were all shocked at her dramatic and sudden improvement. She has strep now as well and we are treating her for 2 weeks for starters.
Our son hass been on Keflex for 3 days now and we have seen considerable improvement. He has his ups and downs but I am starting to see the boy I once knew.
I am curious hass anyone has seen total resolution to behaviors after antibiotic treatment?
How long were your kiddos treated before you saw results? My child is not a candidate for long term antibiotics due to past GI complications and allergies to many antibiotics.
Did symptoms ever reoccur? Go away completely?
What types of doctors are helpful? Im finding many are inexperienced. Neurology was a waste, ENT is clueless. The Psychiatrist has been great but wondering if there is anything we are missing. Havent done blood work yet.
Any advice for an overwhelmed newbie?
Thank you in advance for any info you are willing to share.