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vicki linn

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Everything posted by vicki linn

  1. i am new here and have been suffering silently alone with a daughter that has motor and vocal tics and huge emotional ups and downs. i have been devestated and scared and felt guilty and like a bad parent i have felt lost and helpless i have felt like there is no other person on this planet that knows how i feel i have felt like i could not face my daughter i have felt all the feelings one can imagine and felt like a bad person for feeling themi have felt like i want to drink to numb the stress and reality i have felt like i want to run away. to know that there are so many parents out there that have felt what i feel makes me feel so much better. i know what daniel is saying about taking care of myself. this year i decided that is what i am going to do. i spent last year (the whole year) and most of the previous year DEVESTATED by what is happening in my family to my daughter to all of us....... this year will be different. i have taught myself a lot over the past few years. i have figured out a lot on my own. this year will be different. i will have help from people like you. i will have the support i need. this year will be different. i will take care of me. already this year i went to florida and trained with Donna Gates to be a Certified Body Ecologist. this year will be different. i will share my knowledge with other people and help them to help their families. this year will be different i will not be alone anymore. this year will be different i will be able to talk about tics and not cry everytime..... yes...... this year will be different........ vicki~
  2. Alyssa, I think it is very brave and thoughtful to offer to help. i have a daughter who is 11 and has tics she has never been diagnosed with panda or tourettes or anything at all. i think the doctors think i am crazy. she can supress her tics at all the appointments. did you have both vocal and motor tics? also, my daughter is starting middle school next year and i am concerned that this will be a really hard time for her. we do not discuss her tics. she is quite emotional and i think if we talked about them at this point it would make her so self concious and i just don't feel it would be right. do you have any suggestions as how might be best to deal with her emotionally and also any advice for how starting middle school might go? thanks for being here and being willing to give input. vicki~
  3. I know exactly what you mean. one step ahead and things look great and then all of the sudden more tics two steps backwards. if your son has been sick that will for sure make the tics worse. do you know if you son has yeast/fungus problems? do you or your wife? sometimes this is passed to babies and they get gut dysbiosis and the results can be all kinds of health issues. i believe my yeast and fungus was passed to my kids and that is one of the reasons we are having tics and other challenges. i know what you mean by good day/bad day it is hard to not let your day be based on your childs tics and emotional status for that day. i am trying hard to not let that be the basis for my day..... take care and MAKE it a great day! vicki~
  4. tess' mom~ i am new here today. i am part of the bedrock group but my daughter does not have autism so to speak i believe she has tourettes. i is so strange the feeling i get when i read your post. you are describing my life my feelings my daughter but with my daughters best friends name ~Tess. Every feeling you describe having is me to a T all the way down to wanting a glass of wine so bad. I am trying to clean up yeast and fungus and do the BED diet and wine is not on that. so much for the emotional health for mommy huh? my daughter has not been diagnosed but tourettes is what she has. i know it. we do not discuss it with her but she has asked me once when she had a serious emotional meltdown why she is different from everyone else........why she "twitches" all the time. i feel so alone as all my friends don't get it they just don't understand you feeling of DOOM summed it up just perfectly. for at least a year i would go to bed, wake up at night and first thing in the morning think we were trapped in some sort of ######. like something terrible was waiting for us. like there was no hope. i am getting better about that now. i know i have to. when i feel like that if has such a terrible effect on my daughter it is like she is tied to my emotions or something. there is light at the end of the tunnel...... there has to be! make it a great day! vicki~
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