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  1. Hi Lele, I don't post here much, but just like to add my 2 cents. I have a 8 yrs old son who was dx with OCD tics when he was 4. Over the years he's gotten alot better. Initially I've loaded him up with lots of supplements which seem to cut down his symtoms at the time. For the last couple years, I have cut down on his vitamins as well. I found that after awhile his supplement has not much effect or even seem to have triggerred some of his tics. Nowadays I focus more on providing him a more nutritional diet with no artificial ingredients such as coloring, preservative and flavor. Look at the food labels, stick to those with minimal and basic ingredients. Do you have a health store at your area? You said you give Yoplait yogurt which contains HFCS. you might want to switch to plain yoguit instead and just add honey for sweetness. Avoid food he's allergic to and also watch out for MSG, which is very common in Chinese cooking. If you do all that, I think you should see some result, it sure did for me! Btw, I'm Chinese too. Wishing you luck! Ama
  2. My 6 yr old son takes Lifetime calcium/magnesium in liquid form...I think it's in citrate?, not taurate. http://www.iherb.com/ProductDetails.aspx?c...d=4684&at=0 Ama
  3. Newtothis, I totally understand how you feel. I've gone through this few years back when my then 3 yr old son started his eye blinking to all sort of body movements. I had a video of him and showed it to his neurologist. He was dx OCD tics at 4. I was devastated and researched obsessively online for alternative treatments. I took him to an integrative Dr. and started some vitamin tests. I stopped after few visits as the costs were getting too high for me to handle. Since then I started him with multivitamins with strong B complex, extra vitamin C, calcium/magnesium, and recently I added inosital, flaxseed and GABA. I try to keep his diet clean and stay away from preservatives, artificial stuffs, and limit his sugary food...it's hard with little kid but I do give him icecream and candies once in a while, just not everyday. Now at 6 his symtoms have not totally gone but fairly mild. It did get flare up when started 1st grade few months back, but seems more OCD issue than his tics. I added inosital, flaxseed and GABA, I see a big improvement in reducing his OCD symtoms. I've also noticed his immune system gets stronger over the years, he hardly get sick anymore. He use to be a super shy kid, now he's a talkative, outgoing happy boy. My son use to have teeth grinding problem at night also, it has stopped after I give him calcium/magnesium right before he goes to bed. Just letting you know that things will turn around. Wishing you the best of luck! Ama
  4. Currently we still stay in the same house, I'm taking care of my son's diet and vit 100%. Next month we will move to a new place, and it's agreed that he takes the kid every other weekend. So far he's been following along because we do see some improvement with the vitamin supplements and diet change. However lately with all this happening, he thinks my method is not working and he wants to try something more drastic like putting chili on his fingers, he thinks this is a habit of some sort.
  5. Cheri, Thanks. I would probably have hard time convincing my son's pedi to do a blood test for strep as he doesn't have other symtoms, with my HMO coverage doesn't help much. I will definitely try. In the mean time, do you know of any natural remedies for strep infection? Ama
  6. Thanks so much for the info., Cheri! I got a note from school couple weeks ago that there was a strep infection going around. I wonder if that has something to do with it. My son didn't get fever or sore throat though...how can you tell? Should I get him tested? I've tried to get him off foods with all artificial stuffs, little hard time with MSG since we do go out to eat alot. I've just purchased some inositol and B6 online. Since my son can't swallow pills, I got him the powder form of inositol(1/4 tsp 600mg) and B6 tablet that dissolves (17mg) ...that seems alot, how much should I give him? he will be 6 in a month. Ama
  7. Hi Faith, We have only went to this doctor for 2 or 3 times, he suggested first taking the blood test on vitamin deficiencies. The test came out showing he was deficient in B12, zinc and also folic acid. We stop going after seeing some result with the supplements. Ama
  8. Hi, My son is almost 6 and is attending kindergarten. For the past 2 months he's been putting his fingers in his month constantly, touching his teeth, scratching his tongue and sometimes reach sofar inside that actually make him gag and throw up once. His afterschool teacher is concerned, his dad's threaten to put chili on his fingers so he can stop and we had a big argument on that. He was dx tics disorder when he was 4, since then I took him to an integrated doctor few times and had him tested for vitamin deficiency. He was low in B12 and zinc. I've put him in multi-vitamins with high B-complex and zinc, calcium/magnesium, extra vit-C. He was doing better for a while with mild tics. I have stopped taken him to the integrated doctor due to financial issue since the cost isn't cover under my insurance. I went thru divorce and this is pretty difficult for me as is. I don't know what else to do. Please help! Ama
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