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blueberry muffin

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  1. Hi Chemar- Thank you for replying to my post. No it doesn't feel like "I have to do it" as in a obsessive compulsive scenario or premonitory urge. So I think it may be a somatoform disorder issue Somatoform disorder on emedicine Good luck to others seeking out information on this type of stuff.
  2. I've read that one tic can last anywhere from 1-3 seconds, depending on the type. Tonic or dystonic tic (such as turning the neck to one side in a sustained position) could last 3 seconds. Clonic tics are usually much briefer. Could a voluntary behavior such as muscle contracting of an area last way way way longer than 3 seconds and still be considered a tic? For example if lets say the act involved, in an adult, contracting the fore-arm muscle for up to 5 minutes, 10 min, 60 mins, even multiple hours-That would just be unusual behavior not a tic, right? Because a tic is RAPID, and And it is not some type of movement disorder as one sees w/ involuntary spasms like dystonia, the behavior would be voluntary. And don't say it's dystonia because as I've said, this would be a voluntary behavior, whereas dystonia is involuntary. I just want to verify that it couldn't possibly be a tonic tic.
  3. I am not going to answer these questions as I have not been formally diagnosed with tic disorder. My symptoms may be caused by something else and I may not even have tic disorder. These questions pertain to someone with tic disorder and I am starting to doubt that is what I have.
  4. Blueberry, Maybe I'm understanding this wrong, but are you saying that the psychiatrist prescribed Tenex as a way of diagnosing a tic disorder (to rule out a tic disorder)? If so this isn't a proper way to diagnose a tic disorder. For a diagnoses of a tic disorder, doctors may do an EEG, MRI, or CAT scan to rule out other issues. A diagnoses is made by observation and history. Carolyn That's just the thing...she did NOT diagnose me as having a tic disorder but wanted to see if the medicine had any affect. Apparently this medication is also used in those with high blood pressure and is a mild dose of medication for those with ADHD. It is also used for tics. I am personally going to put off trying the medication until I get more information eg. another doctor's advice and okay. She did however do a bit of observation and definitely asked a lot of questiong pertaining to history of any tics etc.
  5. The psychiatrist is having me try the medication to rule out a tic disorder. I am going to wait on taking the medication (the psychiatrist is booked for appointments this week). Anyhow I found out today that she thought that my condition (with the tic like behaviors) is more due to Generalized Anxiety Disorder and a worry-switch that gets stuck in place and can't be turned off. By the way the medication for tics prescribed was the generic of Tenex (Guanfacine).
  6. The tics definitely were in place before starting the OCD medication. Tics became life interuppting in highschool-October 2003. It wasn't until January 2005 that I went on the SSRI medication that is generic for Luvox (fluvoxamine). It didn't do a thing for the tics (if that's what they are). Nothing got worse or better. I am interested in alternative approaches but because of the severity of my condition I am willing to try the medication first. Of course if I find it to be unhelpful I would look into alternative help. I am interested in alternative approaches in general because I also have generalized anxiety disorder so I try to cut down on sweets and carbohydrates and am very conscious about diet.
  7. I am wondering what is wrong with me . I went to a psychiatrist for the first time and she thinks I may have tic disorder. I am 21 years old and for the past three years I have had a habit of tensing the same certain muscles at all times including squinting eyes (slightly) and shrugging shoulders. These movements are invisible to others because they never start or stop. They just start when I wake up and ends when I sleep (at least I think so but I'm asleep). I become very tired from all this and sleep at least 11 hrs. every night. I have been taking obsessive compulsive disorder medication for the last 2 yrs but now the psychiatrist says I don't need it and prescribed me a medicine used for tic disorder. I am scared of this whole thing and what side affects medicine may cause. I am having to withdraw from college because I had a full time credit load without getting academic adjustments for a disability (not anyone's fault--was up to me). Is it even possible to have a tic that never goes away except in sleep? I am wondering if OCD or some other thing is in place with the tic..and if I even have a tic. I haven't tried the medicine yet (starts next wk) but I am anxious to know.
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