Hi folks,
My DD 6 has PANDAS and has been on Azithromycin since March 2012. In May I pulled a deer tick off of her abdomen. From everything I read the chances of her getting Lyme from a tick that had been on her less than 24 hours was slim. 5-6 weeks later she was sick for about two weeks with a low grade fever, painful stomach cramps, and loss of appetite. Back then we just thought it was a stomach bug. By July We saw a big flare of OCD behaviors, anxiety, mood swings, and eventually the resurfacing of a facial / neck tick. She had labs done in August & PANDAS Dr. Added Cipro to the meds. Just found out last week she is positive for both Lyme & Bartonella. We have an appointment to see Lyme specialist in March. After consulting Lyme Dr. , PANDAS Dr. Is going to keep her on Azithromycin & Cipro to treat Lyme, Bartonella, & manage PANDAS.
My question is how do we know she is healing? What else can we do to help her heal? What can we expect? It's been a roller coaster so far?
We do probiotics & Lamisil for yeast if it's necessary.