I live in Sweden, and I would say it is extremely difficult to get dx and treatment here, I am lucky in that I am a well-known professional in the Asperger's field, which means I have lot of friends and contacts who are MD:s and professors in child psyhicatry, child neurology etc, one of my best friend is the most well known expert on OCD in my conutry. YET it was very difficult to get dx and treatment, and I myself is in some post-crisis condition from having to deal with the heallth care system, just imagine what a parent without my connections would be going through! (My best friend followed to see dr's but she is now in research only and has no clinic so she couldnt test, treat etc my son.)
Although I am sad to hear your children hallucinates too, I am sort of glad to find someone to share that experience with in here. My son also had paranoia (he thought I was trying to kill him, which just broke my heart), but the paranoia seems gone since IVIG (3 weeks ago). Also his personality changes seems gone and I pray for them to not come back, that was the most difficult part. As it wasn't "him" anymore, I had to use willpower to love him. This sounds awful I know, but he was so different, as if another person had taken his place, was looking out of his eyes, and that broke my heart too, that I couldn't automatically love him as I have always done. If he had stayed that way I hopefully would have learned to love this "new person", but that is the most horrifying experience I have ever had, and just writing about it makes me cry right now...