firm believer
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Although I know the nature's spring water is the best, but I do not drink bottle water myself. Becuase it is expensive to buy GOOD quality bottle water. In my family, only my daughter drinks Fiji water. For me and my husband, we try to eat healthy, balance diet and take spirulina or chlorella(to get wide range of mineral) religiously and drink my homemade version of water. Here's how I make my home version of water. I fill large glass water jars(make a couple of them to spre) with water from my RO system. Then put a handful of quartz crystals and let it sit for at least eight hours. Crystals can't remove the toxins, but since I use water from RO system, so I don't need to worry about the toxins. But the hexagonal structure of the quartz crystals has amazing effect to reduce the water's surface tension and let it return to its natural hexagonal structure. (for anyone interested about the water stucture just type hexagonal water in the google search, you will know why it is good for you) If you check the filter used in high end water energizing devices, actually, that's what they use.
I'm recently reading lots of books about the water. After reading all those books, I increase lots of appreciation towards God's creation. Nature is always the best IF IT IS NOT POLLUTED BY MAN. Our whole familly have been drinking water from our RO system for about a year. Now I found out my daughter is mineral deficiency. After all the reasearch I have done, I think 50% of the reason because of the RO water. It is true you can get very clean water from RO system, but it is just too clean, it lacks of useful mineral, therefore it is very acid (that's also part of reason my daughter's body is extremely acid). The problem with the RO water is not just too clean. It is a very complicated issue when comes to man pollute the water resource and now try to fix it by filter, RO system or distill, etc. You can listen the vedio presentation from the following webpage: http://futurewatertoday.com/ I'm not saying you shoulc buy the product from that page, I'm not going to do that either, it is too much. But you can get some new idea about the water. Besides the above I mention, it is also very important for water keep PH value around 7-7.5 and keep hexagonal structure like you find in the nature spring water. That's the water truely hydrate, detox your body. So in my opinion, (just my own opinion), if you buy RO system, then you shoold add something into the water to make it alkaline, have hexagonal structure if it is possible. But the best is always nature's spring water. It did not have something manmade to give side effect.
Foun very useful information
firm believer replied to firm believer's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Dear Carolyn I can't answer your question. I pasted the webpage and let the google translates them and I compare it. I found out it is OK if it is not involves with medical term. But when comes to the medical terms, I really don't know how accurate it is. For instance, one of the points mention in the article makes by two Chinese characters. The first character is the word for four, the other is the word for sparrow. The translation for the point is "four birds" So I doubted the accuracy. Also the other chalange is: the article also mentions which point use which method to put in the needle. For instance, one of the point requre after the needle in, you need to twist at certain way. But it won't hurt to print it out and show it to your accupunturist. -
Foun very useful information
firm believer replied to firm believer's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
I tried, hey, not to bad. Thanks. Although the translation of the treatment part is poor, at least everybody can get a rough idea. But in order to be useful still need someone not only know both Chinese and Englsih, but also have traditional Chinese medicine background. -
Hi everybody I found a very useful information in the following webpage:(IF someone can help the translation. ) http://www.pharmnet.com.cn/tcm/zjdq/zjzl/100039.html Evrything written in Chinese. It discusses five different menthods of accupunctures to treat Tics and TS. It also includes detail points and other important informations. The best part of it is the healing rate is very excited. Although I'm a Chinese, but when come to medical terms, I don't even understand those terms in Chinese. So I could not help with the translation. I'm gloing to ask my daugher's doctor next week to see if he has some ideas to find a good, reliable translator, mean while I'm going to cantact some of my friends in China to see if they can help. I hope everybody in this forum can pass the message around, to see who can help the translation, it might help hundreds of people here. I can tell everybody the part I understand. I made a table. There's total 5 methods discuuss there. Method,----numbers of patients,----- cured,-----improved,------not work A-------------------168------------------126-----------30---------------12 B-------------------- 68-------------------21-----------40----------------7 C---------------------75-------------------38-----------30----------------7 D----------------------5-------------------- 4-------------1----------------0 E---------------------17--------------------11------------ 5-----------------1 All those patients were treated in 1990's. I don't know there's any new imprvment through the years or not. But certainly deserved the efforts to try. BTW some of the methods require leave the needle in for 30min. That might be challeged for the younger kids and also from I know not all the doctors were trained the traditional way of doling accupuncture.
share some of my daughter's progresses
firm believer replied to firm believer's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Dear Patty: I have to agree with Chenma, eberybody is different. The main theory of accupuncture is unblock the blocked points, make the wind(or Chi) flow to improve organs' function. Even with the same disorders the blocking points can be differ. Also with so many points in the body and being so close, I really don't know the name of the points my daughter is treated, although I can ask the doctor next week. I did not let my daughter take any tonic soup, becuase she's sensative to so many foods, I don't want to put anything questionable to her body. I know you might feel disappointed, however, I did find some very helpful information IF someone can help the translation. http://www.pharmnet.com.cn/tcm/zjdq/zjzl/100039.html Evrything written in Chinese. It discusses five different menthods of accupunctures to treat Tics and TS. It also includes detail points and other important informations. The best part of it is the healing rate is very excited. Although I'm a Chinese, but when come to medical terms, I don't even understand those terms in Chinese. So I could not help with the translation. I'm gloing to ask my daugher's doctor next week to see if he has some ideas to find a good, reliable translator, mean while I'm going to cantact some of my friends in China to see if they can help. I hope everybody in this forum can pass the message around, to see who can help the translation, it might help hundreds of people here. -
share some of my daughter's progresses
firm believer replied to firm believer's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
I bought a book called "The acid-alkaline diet" In that book it highly recommends drink alkaline water. You can either go to your local grocery store bottled water section and to check their PH value, or used the alkaline booster drop like I do. (beacuse my daughter's body is way too acid. It works just after a couple of days. So I now just put a little bit.) I used this product: http://www.ph-ion.com/index.asp?PageAction...mp;Category=215 In this webpage you can also sign up for free 7-steps to PH balancing news letter which is very helpful for understanding the importance of keeping PH balance. But be aware, they do want to sell you expensive stuffs. I just used alkaline PH booster. It's enough for children. Although my daughter's body is very acid, I don't think she needs alkaline cleanze. I also made vegi juce for her in the morning. Good luck. -
share some of my daughter's progresses
firm believer replied to firm believer's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
The reason I want to check my daughter's kidney is acturally ever since she has tics, she went to bathroom so frequently and her teacher commented that my daughter went to bathroom at least 3 times more than other kids. I went to her peditrican, they did urniate test and pick up nothing. They just simply said she did not empty her bladder. They told us to do things like blowing the straw or letting her hold, nothing works. I asked them if they can test her kidney, because I'm a Chinese. In China, we have an old saying, urinate frequent is a sighn of weak kidney. And again her peditrian laughed at me and thought I'm showing off my own country's old, stupid idea in front of a M.D. While I tried to decide which tests should I do for my daughter, I conculted a doctor from Direct Lab and ask if they have certain test. He said they do have such test. You can go to their webpage:http://www.directlabs.com/testtypes.php#cwp to see what's fits your situation. My daughter had urinate, hair and blood test(some for other purposes). Later on we conculted a doctor, he said more than 80% of my daughter's abnormal figures indicated her kidney is under lots of stress. Her strong body acid makes the things even worse. From all the books I read so far (I usually hate reading books in English, but now I read so fast), acid body, food allergy all can cause urinate frequentcy problem. Both of them put tremendous burden on kidney, then the other part of body will break down because of that too, for instance brain. Summay up above that, I will continue to check every part of my dauther's body, eventually it can lead me to put all those puzzles together and find out all or most of the triggers. Good luck to you. And thank you all for the supports from this group. I must proudly say because of tics, we know our children or ourselves a lot more thank those "normal peolple". -
Hi everybody, First, please excused my poor English. English is not my native language. But I do want to share some of my thoughts with everybody here. My daughter has tics for a little bit over 4 months now. She's going to be 6 next month. When I first found out she had tics. I'm so so so so deprressed, actually not because she has tics, because her pedittician, my husband, my parents, my husband's friends all think I am too crasy to beleive in those tests listed in this webpage. They laghed at me, critised me. But reading this forums help me cotinue to do what I think is important to my daughter. Anyway, now the test results came out my daughter is sensitive to 27 out of 115 foods being test. And from her other test shows her body is extremly acid and her kidney is under lots of stress and have lots of other issues. Now my husband is fully convinced that the tests are well worth the money and even glad because of my daughter's tics, we know lots of her body's other issues and be able to help her. From last week, my daughter started acupunture. Just after one treatment, her tics of clearing throat is completed gone. (SO FAR ) Then because her body is so acid, we start to feed her more green(of cause exactly follow the rotation diet as well) and drink lots of alkline water, to my husband and my surprised, her mood swing is decreased dramatically too. Although she still blink her eyes, but compare to she used to blinked her eye 10-20 times every minutes, now down to a couple of times every nimutes, it is a major improvement. Because I did not see anyother people mention about if the body's ph value will affect tics or not, so I want to share this to everybody, hopefully can be benefit to someone. I'll continues to looking other aspects to find the triggers of my daughter's trics and mean while restore my duather's immune system.
First of all, thank you all for advices regarding draw blood issue I post a couple of days ago. Those advices came to me at the right time. I was so down that day because my daughter's pediatrician did not order the tests for my daughter and also kept saying it is impossible that the diet is related the tics. I have never been so angry with a doctor, he certainly is the first one hopefully is the last one too. Anyway, let's say if after the tests, I find out my daughter is allergic to some foods, while I put her on certain diet, should I also do something to detox those heavy meatal and addictive from her body? For myself, every once while I will do fast and juice diet to detox, but what is the safe way to detox children? I searched on the internet saw something like clay bath, detox foot patches, has anyone tried that yet? I understood we should not do something without asking the doctors first, but just want to find out if it is neccessary for TS children to detox, besides healthy diet and supplement. Thanks.
I'm new here. My 5 years old girl stats to have tics 4 months ago. After reading lots of messages here and also just read Dr. Sheila J. Roghers' book, I was so dertimned to let my girl have a thorough check. But how am I going to let her coopertated when the nurse draw the blood? She's the girl will cry and kick even for a shot. Need advices.