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  1. My grandson did not have obvious OCD. That was why so many Dr would not help us at first. Do not give up!!!
  2. I would wait. She will just of had 2 days of antibiotics. You would want more antibiotics than that if not recent strep. Remember this is an elective surgery.(Is that ENT planning a vacation or something? I am surprised he would do the surgery.)
  3. We had a phone consult. It went very well. He had ordered labs for my grandson and shared those results(he also emailed results for us to have before consult) He gave diagnosis after looking at labs and hearing symtoms. It cost 450.00, but well worth it to get some answers. Have your question written down before hand. You will be in my prayers.
  4. My grandson had been on antibiotics for 20 days and all of a sudden have had a terrible 8 days,could this be a herx reaction? I was not sure how long after antibiotics that this could happen???
  5. My grandson was on antibiotics x 3 wks, we were seeing improvement. He went to the dentist to get a cavity worked on on a Thursday. By Sunday it all started all over again. Terrified of water.lights even his dog. Do you think this would be from the work in his mouth???? He is supposed to go again tomorrow for another filling. Not sure what to do.
  6. My grandson has positive strep titers and mycoplasma, got my results today. IgG 891 IgM negative Primary care doc say that this just shows that I have had an infection in the past. Do not need antibiotics. Does this sound right?
  7. We live in Winston Salem N.C.
  8. having trouble finding dr.that knows about pandas. should we do phone consult with dr k?
  9. do all your children have ocds? my grandson does not have obvious ocd. he whistles all the time and did not before so we think that may be a tic. he has depression, seperation anxiety, rages from {****}, and so many other symtoms.
  10. we took my grandson to immunologist yesterday, trying to get diagnosis. after visit was over he said he was a"panda skeptic" and had never diagnosed anyone with pandas. i think if we are going to get a no on pandas that it should come from someone who believes in pandas. am i right???
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