Thanks. We have four under our belt and have seen tremendous improvement from a cognitive, attention, fine/gross motor and impulsivity. I know a MD who has a child w PANDAS and he said that he believes that there is not a cure but we just need to limit the distance between the peaks and valleys. I know that he is better that he was @ baseline 1 year ago.
DH co switched insurance so we went from going every 6 weeks to 0. They have hired a medical reconnaissance person for us to try to find a way to get approval. If that doesn't work the next step is to appeal to the State of CA.
DS has tested Igenix + again for the second time on 2 bands of the WB. He also gets strep and MP frequently.
Dr J and Dr B will adjust meds when they talk next week. It is tough since his sibling has MP all of the time and they pass it back and forth. We need to work on approval for him at some point too.
I was trying to explain this to a pediatrician in our group recently when I insisted on a swab. I have RA and when I get sick, my joints hurt. With my kids, it doesn't effect their joints when they get sick, it effects them behaviorally and cognitively. Still seems hard for this ped to get it. Anyway, thanks for the feedback!