Our 17 year old PANDAS child (diagnosed at 14 1/2) is having major depression and anxiety issues. Recently we have seen agression and anger issues arise. During this spike in behavior 2 of our other children had strep throat, one had mono, and just recently we discovered that our PANDAS son has mono! Before we got the mono diagnosis his doctors (we go to All Children's in FL and he sees Dr. Murphy and associates) put him on Risperdal. They said when we go back next week, they might decrease his Celexa and put him on Lithium. When we found out he had mono our pediatrician put him on 5 days of prednisone. Within 24 hours of being on prednisone the "edge" was off and our son even said he felt better (except he is still depressed). My question is, should we still go with putting him on Lithium?
His currents meds are: Augmentim XR 2000mg, Celexa 40 mg., Abilify 7.5 mg., Risperdal 2 mg, plus MANY vitamins.